Robert 'Klegle' Byrd, who earlier likened Republicans to Nazis, has written an editorial for the Washington Post where he just keeps digging his hole deeper and deeper. Soon, he will not have to worry about Blacks, but Chinese if he keeps this up! His latest hypocrasy is in trying to defend his nazi remarks. And in so doing, he has, while not overtly lied, shown himself to be the hypocrit he is. In it he states that what the Republicans want to do, is unprecedented. We... was born of the Clinton Impeachment, and stayed around to try and influence the 2000 and 2004 elections. To many republicans, was a boogeyman. ONe to be feared and countered. With Soros' millions, how could we let this outfit run rampant on our electoral system they fretted. But an article in the Rolling stone shows just how bad a boogeyman Moveon,org was and is. They signed up 500,000 supporters with an Internet petition -- but Bill Clinton stil...
In 1936, German Chancelor Adolf Hitler sent German troops into the Rhineland. This move directly violated the Treaty of Versailles, but France and England did nothing to stop him. It seems not much has changed in the old Gaul empire in the last 60 years. At least the English can learn.
Google is a real killer! But the problem with this statement is with the Gay and Lesbian community of harvard! They were offended that she did not 'include' them in her statements! Excuse the hell out of me! If I want to blog for my fellow frenchies, or to Blog for my jewish brothers, do I have to include everyone under the sun? Get a life you morons! Just because I say "I love chocolate" does not mean I disaprove of vanilla! What a bunch of self egoistical whine...
The Following statement was made by Jada Pinkett Smith. I would like anyone to tell me what is wrong with this statement. "Women, you can have it all--a loving man, devoted husband, loving children, a fabulous career," she said. "They say you gotta choose. Nah, nah, nah. We are a new generation of women. We got to set a new standard of rules around here. You can do whatever it is you want. All you have to do is want it." "To my men, open your mind, open your eyes to new ideas. Be ...
In an attempt to commit suicide, the AFL CIO has decided not to spend money on increasing membership, but insttead to support the liberal agenda of the liberal leaders. An agenda that most rank and file members do not support. Unions, at one time a noble and needed institution, have descended into irrelevancy of late as their membership continues to fall, and workers just plain dont want to join as the benefits are non-existant. But instead of trying to turn that around, and besto...
Did you know that 47 countries have re-established their embassies in Iraq? Did you know that the Iraqi currently government employs 1.2 million Iraqi people? Did you know that 3100 schools have been renovated, 364 schools are under rehabilitation, 263 schools are now under construction and 38 new schools have been built in Iraq? Did you know that Iraq's higher educational structure consists of 20 Universities, 46 Institutes or colleges and 4 research centers, all currently operating...
I am an avid reader. As a child, I read many books, and almost all the classic Science Fiction that I could get my hands on. These years, I still read a lot, but most of it is Technical manuals. I read for enjoyment about 2-3 books a year, usually on the long flights to California I take a couple of times a year. My Latest endeavor is to read Brian Herbert, Frank's son. For the uninitiated, Frank Herbert wrote the masterful Dune Series. One of my all time favorit...
For the Political of us, we are well aware of how Jon Sterwart (The Daily Show on Comedy Central) handed Tucker Carlson his head on a platter last year (some even say he helped get the show cancelled). Now he has just done the same thing to Nancy Soderberg, former Clinton Aide and author of "The Superpower Myth: The Use and Misuse of American Might" (foreword by Bill Clinton, blurb by Madeleine Albright). Maybe even worse! It seesm that the recent rash of the dreaded disease of democracy t...
Yes, it appears sad and true. The Campaign Fincance reform that stifled the PAC community is coming to a Blog near you. It appears what the founding fathers deemed of the utmost importance, so important that it was the first amendment, is now being relegated to the dust bin of political correctness and stupidity. Free Speech, as we know it, is going to be a thing of the past unless Congress acts to rewrite their precious (and impotent) campaign finance reform law. It will be...
In yet another example how the democrat leadership has abandoned all pretense of working with the majority party, Robert 'Grand Kleagle' Byrd has compared them, on the open Senate floor, to Hitler and the Nazis. While this has been going on by the loony loopy luddite left since 2000, most of the true liberals and rational ones have avoided it. And altho the leadership has said some heinous things about the right, they have refrained from wallowing in the slime of their LLL compat...
The PBKs have snubbed one of the most prestigious (not the most prestigious) Universities in the nation. This is a university with a couple of Nobel Winners on their staff. Why? What was their crime? They disinvited Mikey Moore from speaking! Dis Invited a known liar and plagarist? A known fomenter of hate and prejudice? And they are called an honor Frat? I think not! I am glad I am not a part of that honor Frat! I joined the other one.Phi Kappa Ph...
On one story we had a Nun who was betraying her vows due to her hatred. Now we have another example of the clergy also betraying their friends. Yet in this case, the man decided that what he did was wrong, and is trying to atone for it. While the damage done, cannot be undone, it is heartening to see that the man has not let the dark side of being famous corrupt him totally. We all make mistakes, and he sees the error of his. He betrayed a friend. It matters not ...
It is past comedic and now bordering on pathetic. That the left (most of them) hate Bush is a given. That they cannot find a redeeming quality about the man is also a given. But now they are even perverting their very core to snipe back at the man. Here is a sister, one who supposedly has devoted her life to god. One who is to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, and love thy fellow man (I say to you loving a friend is easy, to follow me, you must love your enemies).&nbs...
Bill Maher had the audacity to state that: religion stops people from thinking And further stated that religious people need to see a brain doctor. Now had anyone on the right issued such obvious drivel and hate, they would have been pilloried to on the highest trees in the land. Drawn and quartered, and nailed to the cross of liberal intolerance! But Bill Maher? He just keeps his show and continues to spew his hate filled message while professing to be a mamber of t...