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Dr Guy's Articles » Page 121
March 11, 2005 by Dr Guy
Ah those zany democrat legislators are at it again!  Let's see, we had the roosters with boxing gloves and the 'hip hugger crack showing' fines fellows from Oklahoma and Virginia. Now we have some clown in florida that wants to tax toilet paper!  Not sewage.  Not water, toilet paper!  The rationale goes, the more paper you use, the more full of shit you are! (Politicians must use it by the case load then!). This is so stupid, it has to be funny!  But can you imagin...
March 11, 2005 by Dr Guy
The sub title is a loaded question.  The answer depends upon who you are.  If you are an SUV owner who commutes 100 miles a day to and from work, you bet your bippy it is! If you are an environmentalist, you can about guarantee they are jumping for joy as the higher prices will inevitably force conservation and inevitably reduce consumption. But who are the other stake holders in this run up of prices? One that many would scream as being the recipients are the oil companies an...
March 10, 2005 by Dr Guy
Much has been written and orated on about Iraq being the next American Vietnam.  Indeed none other than Ted Kennedy have opined that we are in a quagmire in iraq that only in defeat can we extracate ourselves. Yet with the abondonment of the nuclear Program in Libya, the beginning of the withdrawl of Syrian troops in Lebanon, the scheduling of the first truly democratic elections in Egypt, and the demonstrations for equal rights of women in Kuwait, we see that Iraq is not a quagmire, but...
March 10, 2005 by Dr Guy
(Editors note: The Loony Loopy Luddite Left does not apply to all people with left wing ideologies.  Just the looniest, loopiest, most luddite ones). Seems a quaint little resort in Oregon has that as its motto.  But check out who is not welcome: FOR REASONS OF HEALTH & SAFETY OCEAN HAVEN CANNOT ACCOMMODATE SMOKERS, PETS, FOLKS TRAVELING IN A HUMMER, OR FOLKS WHO VOTED FOR BUSH & HIS NATURE DESTRUCTIVE POLICIES Dont know about you, but that sounds like about 75% of t...
March 10, 2005 by Dr Guy
Recently I blogged on the ineffectiveness of MoveOn.Org.  Little did I know how ineffective they really are!  The Followins is an ad they sponsored: Conscientious Objection- resisting the draft (2 registered participants) [address omitted] New York, NY This gathering will provide information about Conscientious Objection: what it is, how to prepare a CO file, and how people of all ages can participate in resisting the draft. If there is time at the end we can discuss other Move...
March 10, 2005 by Dr Guy
Recently I blogged on the ineffectiveness of MoveOn.Org.  Little did I know how ineffective they really are!  The Followins is an ad they sponsored: Conscientious Objection- resisting the draft (2 registered participants) [address omitted] New York, NY This gathering will provide information about Conscientious Objection: what it is, how to prepare a CO file, and how people of all ages can participate in resisting the draft. If there is time at the end we can discuss other Move...
March 10, 2005 by Dr Guy
With all the horror and death and destruction in the world, it is good to take some time out for a little humor now and then. Today we bring you the "Anti-Banana" society!  Most would not even think of how evil they are, but we have it on the best of authroity that he following are actual factoids! Q: What do bananas, Hitler, and Napoleon have in common? A: Everything. Q: What did the banana say to the orange? A: You will die you orange bastard. Q: How do you spell b...
March 10, 2005 by Dr Guy
With all the horror and death and destruction in the world, it is good to take some time out for a little humor now and then. Today we bring you the "Anti-Banana" society!  Most would not even think of how evil they are, but we have it on the best of authroity that he following are actual factoids! Q: What do bananas, Hitler, and Napoleon have in common? A: Everything. Q: What did the banana say to the orange? A: You will die you orange bastard. Q: How do you spell b...
March 10, 2005 by Dr Guy
The Democrats profess to love the victim.  So much so, now they are playing the victim!  From the WSJ: The Democrats will be running their Senate campaigns out of a building named for Daschle, the South Dakotan who led them in the Senate from 1994 until his defeat last fall. The Capitol Hill office will be known as The Senator Thomas A. Daschle Building. They Name their new office building after a loser!  Someone once said that the more liberals are wrong, the higher their...
March 9, 2005 by Dr Guy
It seems that a hacker posted a hack on the internet on how to break in to some college's system to find out about admissions.  The problem was to do so, the interloper had to use a personal access code that the University had given them.  Thus the universities knew who was trying it. Several of them (MIT and Harvard to name 2 big ones) have already booted all the miscreants.  Others are considering what to do with them (there was no 'mischief', just an unethical activity). ...
March 9, 2005 by Dr Guy
nd will do anything to get her notoriety. Was the Boy molested?  I doubt we will ever know for sure.  But one thing is plain.  When the accusers and prosecuters forget about upholding the law, and go for the star glitz, they wind u
March 9, 2005 by Dr Guy
Discipline of children is becoming a farce.  The Age of Dr. Spock (not the pointy eared one) have created a bunch of wimpy parents that refuse to take matters into their own hands and discipline their own children.  But Whoa be to the school personnel who try it as those same sorry excuses for parents are going to be calling for heads and perhaps even a Civil suit! IN this case, I think the school did the perfect thing.  They had the little hellion arrested!  The Police sh...
March 9, 2005 by Dr Guy
This is the story of Model Petra Nemcova.  One of the victims of the Tsunami.  One of the thousands out there, but she got press because she was 'someone'. The story is sad and yet hopeful, but that is not the point.  Look at the picture attached to the story.  Are we to believe she came through unscathed?  The story clearly states she suffered injuries and lost her boy friend to the catastrophe. Yet the editors chose to show us pictures of her latest promo pose.&n...
March 8, 2005 by Dr Guy
John Kerry and Hillary Clinton are trying to over turn the constitution, not by eht elegal means of amending it, but the way congress has been doing of late, by legislative fiat. They want to restore the rights of all felons, regardless of their previous crimes, to be able to vote, even tho that is clearly a violation of the contstitutional clause that gives that right to the states ("the Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections," ). Their arguements are lame, and indeed bordering on ...
March 8, 2005 by Dr Guy
Little-Whip wrote about a neighbor, whose blind hatred of Bush had warped her total compassion for all humanity.  It matters not to this woman that her satisfaction will come at the expense of thousands perhaps millions of lives.  Real people trying to make a life for themselves and their familes.  Like Miri. If she (Crack Whore) were an isolated example, we could dismiss her, perhaps even confine her to a rehab center.  But we saw another example of such blind hatred when...