Robert 'Klegle' Byrd, who earlier likened Republicans to Nazis, has written an editorial for the Washington Post where he just keeps digging his hole deeper and deeper. Soon, he will not have to worry about Blacks, but Chinese if he keeps this up!
His latest hypocrasy is in trying to defend his nazi remarks. And in so doing, he has, while not overtly lied, shown himself to be the hypocrit he is. In it he states that what the Republicans want to do, is unprecedented. Well, someone (not me unfortunately) did some digging and found out it is not unprecedented, but has been done several times in the past.
By Whom! When? How could that be?
By byrd:
Changing Senate precedents by majority vote would be nothing new to Mr. Byrd, who used the tactic to change Senate precedents on filibusters and other delaying tactics when he was Majority Leader in 1977, 1979, 1980 and 1987. This history is detailed by Martin Gold and Dimple Gupta in the current issue of the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy.
Seems Mr Byrd is not only a bigot, racist, and hypocrit. Now he is just plain senile.
I am not one of his constituents. But I have to ask the people of West Virginia. Are you that naive to continue to elect a man that makes Ted kennedy look reasonable? If you dont like the WV jokes, stop electing them!