In an attempt to commit suicide, the AFL CIO has decided not to spend money on increasing membership, but insttead to support the liberal agenda of the liberal leaders. An agenda that most rank and file members do not support.
Unions, at one time a noble and needed institution, have descended into irrelevancy of late as their membership continues to fall, and workers just plain dont want to join as the benefits are non-existant. But instead of trying to turn that around, and bestow better benefits (better contrracts through a greater majority of workers being members) on their membership, they would rather see Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Hillary Rodham, Barbara Boxer, Robert Byrd, et. al. re-elected to impotent positions of power.
It is sad really. I know that when a company has a monopoly on jobs, they can be very abusive in their pay scale. And so in some cases, Unions are still vitally needed. Yet Union leadership is sacraficing their goals and ideals at the alter of the false and impotent god of liberalism.
Without strong leaders who think of their workers first, and their postion of power at the liberal power table second, Unions will continue to decline and become a shell of their former glory. That half their membership comes from the public sector where they are truly impotent is indicative of a rotten core already.
Spend your money on Ted Kennedy, instead of john Doe. The New union Motto.