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Dr Guy's Articles » Page 124
February 11, 2005 by Dr Guy
Lynne Stewart is outraged!  yes outraged!  How could the US hold Lawyers and especially activist ones, to the same laws as the common people! For those not in the know, she is one of those 60/70s lawyers that forgot that the Vietnam war is over, and this war is about people attacking the US, not just shooting soldiers in a far away land.  She aided and abetted Omar Abdel-Rahman, the blind Muslim Cleric who was instrumental in the first WTC attack. And she is outraged?  ...
February 10, 2005 by Dr Guy
A week ago I asked for prayers for one of the great man of our time, Pope John Paul II.  Thank all who responded. Today he left the hospital. I know it hurt a lot for him to miss Ash Wednesday (Ashen Mittwoch), but he did the right thing.  I dont dont if he will break Pope Pius' record for longevity, and I do disagree with him on several church matters, but I am glad he is still alive and kicking, and can continue to guide the Church into the 21st Century. He is guided by his fai...
February 10, 2005 by Dr Guy
I am curious.  Why do we get email notifications from , Wincustomize, and 2 different versions of Joe User?  Sometimes on the same thread, I get all 4. I am just curious.  Not a complaint, but I have a fault.  I always try to figure out things! Thanks for anyone that can help.
February 10, 2005 by Dr Guy
It seems WalMart, the largest Business in the world (based upon revenue and employees) has just submarined an effort to unionize one of their stores.  Instead of caving into the demands of the these employees, WalMart has decided to close the store.  That is in their right.  Especially before a Union gets entrenched and starts making demands. The problem here is that the employees got greedy.  Not all of this was their fault as Unions always promise more than they can deli...
February 10, 2005 by Dr Guy
It seems that a couple in Sacramento California have a US Military Uniform hanging (as in 13 coils) from their house.  No doubt they are greatly opposed to the Presidents policies, and yes, they are in their right to express themselves in such a fashion. However, the problem here is 2 fold.  First they are only pissing off people and denigrating innocent people.  Soldiers do not make American Policy, they only go where they are told and do what they are told by the le...
February 9, 2005 by Dr Guy
Yea, here in the old Dominion we have a nice little brouhaha going on.  Some Legislators want to fine anyone (mostly students) who wear their pants so low that their underwear sticks out. While I find that another example of the nannism that government has become, what is more amusing is that the sponsor of the bill is Black.  Yet one of his collegues, also black, is charging the bill is racist and the only reason it is being proposed is to catch black kids and punish them. I hav...
February 9, 2005 by Dr Guy
I came across this article, written by an Israeli Arab, in my perusing of some sites.  It is very helpful in understanding where the refugee camps of today came from, and why. I found the authors plea to be heartfelt, and his contempt for his fellow arabs to be almost palpable.  In a nut shell, the palestinians were lied to and were and are bring used by the other Arab nations in the Middle East.  When Israel was formed, the Jews Asked all to stay.  But the Arab world ...
February 8, 2005 by Dr Guy
New Senate Minority Leader is upset that the RNC is calling him an Obstructionist. He can easily dispell that tag by simply deciding not to be one. Instead, he has decided that he would rather pander to the left than govern for his constituents. Instead of opening a dialog with the President, he called the President out before his agenda was presented to Congress or judicial Nominee one had been named. Harry, I got a hint for you. No one can make you something you do not want to be. Dont l...
February 8, 2005 by Dr Guy
NOw I know some are going to read the link and proclaim "Drudge?  HOw can you quote that right wing site?" But I quote him because I find the story funny, and totally believeable.  Having lived in the bay area during the height of Haight Ashbury, I know there are a bunch of loons out there.  They did not die off with the end of the counter cuulture days, and still inhabit the streets of San Fran. But I sincerely doubt that anyone on this site (save one) would say that Pelosi...
February 8, 2005 by Dr Guy
Over the past month, a heated debate has sprung up on JU.  Basically conservatives have been kindly giving advice to liberals on the direction of the democrat party.  Why would they do such a thing? I can think of 2 reasons.  One is that they felt sorry for a party that was imploding on its own pettiness and wanted to see if come back as the party of JFK and LBJ. That is the altruistic reason. The other is that conservatives and especially Republicans knew the advice would n...
February 7, 2005 by Dr Guy
WARNING!  If you have not seen the Movie Million Dollar Baby, and want to, DO NOT READ THIS.  It will reveal a plot line. This movie has come under fire from a group of Politically correct self proclaimed protectors of the people needing protection, or some such other garbage.  They are condemning not only the plot of the movie, but the actors and actresses as furthering a stereotype that parapalegics or quadrepelgics are incapable of leading rewarding lives (Hillary Swank is p...
February 7, 2005 by Dr Guy
Reading through some of the other blogs today a simple fact smacked me upside the head.  Most people dont understand the simplest of economic theory!  And yet, I bet they practice it day in and day out without understanding why they do. Take the issue of outsourcing Jobs. Forget the fact that in the net, the US in-sources more jobs than it outsources.  For now, lets look at WHY jobs are outsourced.  The answer is simple.  Profits.  Now that is a dirty word to man...
February 4, 2005 by Dr Guy
Just recently I responded to an article that said why the democrats just dont get it.  I basically said I use to look at both parties and even (shock!) vote for democrats. And I suggested a way for them to 'get it' and regain the white house.  I hate a one party system. So what do I get?  A liberal that trashes his own party member!  Talk about eating your own! They just dont get it.  They would rather commit hari Kiri than get some of their agenda! And you ...
February 4, 2005 by Dr Guy
It really is getting kind of monotonous and boring.  The party of minorities is that in name only.  If Minorities try to better themselves, the first ones to try to slam them back into their place are the Liberals. Last week we saw it with Condi Rice, and this week with Alberto Gonzalez.  That they are conservative is a given, along with over half the country.  But since they were conservative AND minority, the Liberals had to try to stop them from attaining heights none o...
February 4, 2005 by Dr Guy
Some members of the liberal media have really gone off the deep end!  not just for a short swim, but jumped in over their heads! Chris Matthews stated the hug between the soldier's mom and the Iraqi woman was staged, even tho no one else (besides Ron Reagan) seemed to agre.  I guess he thinks it was staged because that is what democrats do for the camera.  Stage events (Bill Clintons Smile turned Upside down, Dancing on the beach, Al Gore's Kiss, etc.).  While Matthews is ...