In yet another example how the democrat leadership has abandoned all pretense of working with the majority party, Robert 'Grand Kleagle' Byrd has compared them, on the open Senate floor, to Hitler and the Nazis.
While this has been going on by the loony loopy luddite left since 2000, most of the true liberals and rational ones have avoided it. And altho the leadership has said some heinous things about the right, they have refrained from wallowing in the slime of their LLL compatriots, altho they never did repudiate it.
No More. Now it is open warfare on the right where any slurs and epithets go. They need not bear any passing or remote resemblance to the truth, they just have to be outrageous and bigotted.
But in that, they are finally starting to cause the true liberals and the rational memebers of their party to draw back in disgust and horror. It is not only the Right calling for a repudiation of KKK Byrd's bigotted statements, but now some Jewish groups as well (altho the NJDC is not one of them - still being a toady to their masters).
This latest vitriol does not suprise me in the least. Nor does the silence of the majority of the Liberal elite leadership. But I do feel sad for many of the true liberals out there who look for some leadership and instead only find filth and hatred. I know they must be cringing at this kind of garbage, and yet they have no where to go.
It is sad when the party you thought you believed in betrays the very core of your beliefs and betrays their constituency. It is sadder when the idiots cannot see they are being used as dupes and slaves to the new slave masters of the 21st century. They are not liberals. They are jokes.