Another example of RIAA and MPAA trying to circumvent their already onerous laws. When will they learn? I freely admit that some do use P2P to download copyrighted materials. But the Internet did not start this. Indeed, they tried this lame excuse with Cassette tapes many years ago! And with all their assigned power to stop it, with gestapo tactics and storm trooper enforcement, they have not dented it. Why? Because the paradigm has shifted. Instead of embracing the new millea...
First, Kudos to all you Red Sox fans. It has been a long wait. I am acually a Mets fan, so it has not been that long for me. But Curt Shilling epitomizes the way the game should be placed, like Cal Ripken and player of old. He actually had a tendon sewn in place just before going out and Saving a game against the Yankees! But this morning on Good Morning America, the hostess asked Curt Shilling how he was feeling, and he Answered in part: I want to remind everyone to go to the Polls T...
In September, we had Rathergate, forged documents that were proven forged by little old bloggers, not the 'main stream' media with their wealth of resources. We should have learned from that, then and there, that some members of the mainstream media were just not playing with an unbiased book. Indeed, CBS and Dan Rather have never apologized for the smear they tried to perpetrate. Now we appear to have caught the NY Times, that [sarcasm] bastion of non-partisanship [/sarcasm] with their pan...
Another prime example of Bush not securing the weapons or the ingredients! When will this incompetancy stop? HOw much longer will we have to endure these lapses in security. Where are Dan Blather and the Cant Be Sane network when you need them? Oh the travesty of it all!
After Myrannder's excellant post on his reasons for voting Kerry, and his reservations, I was struck by one particular comment he made. Or actually that he attributed to Kerry. SO I would like anyone interested to answer this purely hypothetical question. For the record, I doubt that we will ever get this finite an answer, but for this hypothetical, here are the facts: Medical Science has finally answered the question about when life begins. They are able to read the distinct uniqu...
Seems we have a major controversy brewing in the NARAL league. Seems RU486 has now been officially blamed for 3 deaths. For the uninitiated, RU486 was originally known as the morning after pill. ( That title is now reserved for a different pill that works to prevent fertilization. Thank you Lengirl for the catch on that mistake). The father of the latest victim wants the drug pulled for further testing. But I doubt that will do any good. NARAL and their allies will fight it like they...
This is from my sister. And while she is much more conservative than I, I agree with about 90% of her letter. Liberals, ignore it at your own expense. According to The New York Times, Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano, reflecting on her party's recent losses in the presidential, Senate and House elections, asked: "How did a party that is filled with people with values -- and I am a person with values -- get tagged as the party without values?" As one who was ra...
It appears that Anti-freeze (not your mother's sister) has more uses than keeping your car cool. Sceintists have used it to help dogs that were paralized walk again! While not 100% effective, or without some drawbacks, the treatment looks hopeful for both dogs and man! Now if I remember correctly, John Edwards stated during the campaign that if Kerry was Elected, the crippled would walk again! Thanks to foetal stem cell research. Well guess what? Foetal stem cell re...
No, this is not about politics, or even people. It is about Gorillas paying respets to one of their own who died. It is a very touching story and appears to affirm what many scientists have already claimed. Gorrillas are very intelligent, and very caring. They live in a social structure not unlike Humans. And it appears they possess many of the best of human qualities. Or we possess some of their good qualities, as I dont know who came first. I wish all the po...
There is starting to be rampant speculation on the non-story of who will replace Dan Rather after he retires. (Note: Non story as his March retirement was leaked back in September in the Blogosphere.) Now there is talk about either Matt Lauer or Tim Russert. While I dont hold Matt Lauer in high regard, I still think the is a credible if slanted video journalist. Tim Russert comes closest to be unbiased in his video Journalism of any ones I have listed to, but again, why would he t...
v. slowed, slow·ing, slows v. tr. To make slow or slower. To delay; retard. Now isn't that funny, since the Economy, according to the article grew at an outstanding rate of 3.1%! For a Quarter no less! But what does CNN call it? Economy Slowed, as in decelerated. I dont see a growth rate of 3.1% as a deceration! But that is just me. And the liberals say that CNN is unBiased? IN a pigs eye!
The idiot who killed 11 people in Los Angeles trying to commit suicide is now being charged with Murder, as well it should be. However, the news stories are now saying he 'may get the death penalty'. Excuse me? Wasn't he trying to commit suicide anyway? Isn't that like telling him his wish will come true? That sorry excuse for human flesh should get life without parole! And his cell should be decorated with the pictures of the dead! Dont rush off to give him h...
Well, 2 months after the deed, the culprits of the Wisconsin Tire slashing are finally being brought to Trial. And as expected, it was 5 juvenile deliquents working for the Kerry Campaign. While the article makes it clear that the culprits were acting on their own, you have to wonder about the climate that pushed them to the point where now they are going to have a felony record, and probably some jail time. IN a nut shell, it is the shere hatred and irrational fear of many of the...
I am sure we have all heard the mantra of energy independance and getting fuel sources other than petroleum. And Eureeka! We discovered hydrogen! When burned, it produces water vapor! The Perfect solution! Right? Wrong! Where does hydrogen come from? Why it is a natural element! So it must be in nature! Not in enough quantity to mean diddly squat! SO it has to be extracted from water, and guess what? That requires a lot of dirty f...
There was a diatribe written by a left member of JU decrying the fact that we had to suffer 4 more years of George W. Bush recently. They (the articles on the suffering they must endure for another 4 years) are becoming rather comical, and to be laughed at instead of railed at (they should be posted under Humor, not Politics). Strange how you did not see conservatives moaning and whining about '4 more years' of Clinton 8 years ago. But this one was different, and as the poster sai...