Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
The Answer
Published on March 5, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Google is a real killer!

But the problem with this statement is with the Gay and Lesbian community of harvard!  They were offended that she did not 'include' them in her statements!

Excuse the hell out of me!  If I want to blog for my fellow frenchies, or to Blog for my jewish brothers, do I have to include everyone under the sun?

Get a life you morons!  Just because I say "I love chocolate" does not mean I disaprove of vanilla!  What a bunch of self egoistical whiners!  You are so pathetic, that I would not even let my brother associate with you!  He is a better person than you ever will be.

You pathetic twerps!


Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 05, 2005
Amazing how some folks will go out of their way to try and make anything draw attention to them no matter how unrelated it may be.

Personally I am extremely offended by the way you totally excluded unemployed recouperating automobile accident victims in this article as well as it's parent article. You're obviously a bigot against us!!!!

on Mar 05, 2005
ah a nice heathly rant... I did not know you were jewish and french... that is an almost extinct form a jew.
on Mar 05, 2005
Amen, amen and AMEN!!!
on Mar 05, 2005
She also forget the asexual, the barren, and the women who don't even want children. She is truly the reincarnation of Hitler!
on Mar 05, 2005
I'm definitely missing something here, what's the contraversy?

Oops, nevermind, now I read the other post. Remember, just because a few voiced some bickering doesn't mean they speak for the entire community.
on Mar 05, 2005
Of course they do. Just ask them
on Mar 06, 2005
I couldn't make any sense of those protests either.

And I'm with MasonM--don't you dare tell them they don't speak for everyone. You'll be labeled a Hitler and slandered too!
on Mar 07, 2005

Personally I am extremely offended by the way you totally excluded unemployed recouperating automobile accident victims in this article as well as it's parent article. You're obviously a bigot against us!!!!

Guilty!  Or perhaps I was just talking about a subset of one group of people?  Excluding people when talking about life's experience is not discriminating against them.  Just because I praise the contribution of Jewish Rabbis does not mean I think that Christian Ministers have no worth.

on Mar 07, 2005
ah a nice heathly rant... I did not know you were jewish and french... that is an almost extinct form a jew.
The way they are going, French is goin gto be extinct period! But that is for another topic.
on Mar 07, 2005

She also forget the asexual, the barren, and the women who don't even want children. She is truly the reincarnation of Hitler!

I forgot those as well.  Guess I am as guilty as her.

on Mar 07, 2005

Remember, just because a few voiced some bickering doesn't mean they speak for the entire community.

True, and I did not mean to infer this was a blanket condemnation of all the Gays, Lebians etc.  This was aimed at the Harvard group that needs to get a life and realize they are but one group among many in society.

on Mar 07, 2005

And I'm with MasonM--don't you dare tell them they don't speak for everyone. You'll be labeled a Hitler and slandered too!

I think the correct term is homophobe.

on Mar 07, 2005
Well, speaking for the entire Red-headed, freckle faced, left-handed, colorblind, Latter-Day Saint, Disabled Vet minority... I'M OFFENDED!!!!! ;~D
on Mar 07, 2005
Well, speaking for the entire Red-headed, freckle faced, left-handed, colorblind, Latter-Day Saint, Disabled Vet minority... I'M OFFENDED!!!!! ;~D

I will make sure to include Red headed, Freckle Faced (really?) Left Handed colorblind Mormons disabled Vets in my future articles!
on Mar 07, 2005
Out with the reason, already! I'm sitting on that hilarious buzzword until you do your "reveal". (lol)
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