Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Makes you wonder who are the smart ones are?
Published on March 2, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

The PBKs have snubbed one of the most prestigious (not the most prestigious) Universities in the nation.  This is a university with a couple of Nobel Winners on their staff.

Why?  What was their crime?  They disinvited Mikey Moore from speaking!  Dis Invited a known liar and plagarist? A known fomenter of hate and prejudice?

And they are called an honor Frat?  I think not!  I am glad I am not a part of that honor Frat!  I joined the other one.Phi Kappa Phi.  I dont have to denounce my membership in a the true honor society.

on Mar 02, 2005
since I have no idea what a frat is like {10th grade education} how can they discriminate anything? for any reason?
on Mar 02, 2005
Frat is Fraternity.  The greek alpha bet on campus.  And they only like it if you discriminate against conservatives, not liberals apparently.