Bill Maher had the audacity to state that: religion stops people from thinking
And further stated that religious people need to see a brain doctor. Now had anyone on the right issued such obvious drivel and hate, they would have been pilloried to on the highest trees in the land. Drawn and quartered, and nailed to the cross of liberal intolerance! But Bill Maher? He just keeps his show and continues to spew his hate filled message while professing to be a mamber of the compassionate left.
What utter garbage. And liberals wonder why they are being lumped with clowns like this? Maybe because you dont repudiate this filth!
But you know what is the worst part? That doofuss actually stated that Hitler was right. Granted it was about one specific quote, but can you imagine the Nazi allegations if a conservative had said that? And where was the outrage from the left over that statement?
No where. More hypocrasy from the liberal elite and their sycophantic leaders that know no bad about anyone who is liberal.
They are becoming more and more a party of carictures every day, and while us 'religious idiots' may have stopped thinking (actually just stopped believing the liberal lies), we have not stopped voting. Good bye Bill Maher, you intolerant bigot. And good riddance.