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Dr Guy's Articles » Page 120
March 17, 2005 by Dr Guy
The Fur continues to fly around the Univeristy of Colorado Professor who compared innocent civilians to Hitler's mastermind of the Jewish Solution, Adolph Eichmann. Now he is being accused of plagarism and threats to a Professor in Nova Scotia. This is very serious as if proven true, that would be grounds to fire him, even tho he is tenured, without the University having to go through a buy out. But beyond that, it does bring into question his whole role as the Chairman of the Ethics Depar...
March 16, 2005 by Dr Guy
I hope that breaks the 'our Gang' Curse.  I had serious reservations about his guilt as well, but then I did not sit through the evidence.
March 16, 2005 by Dr Guy
I was perusing the WSJ, Opinion pages and came across this article.  I found it to be somewhat near sighted, but it looks like a start at least!  Maybe you can educate some of the bloggers quoted in the article:   Karol Sheinin thinks of them as Republicans who can't admit it yet, but who don't want to be as noncommittal and bogus-sounding as "independent," which isn't exactly a political party. Go for it!
March 16, 2005 by Dr Guy
There has been a lot of discussion and arguments over whether the American Media is biased to the left, right or none.  Now, Reuters, no right wing rag there, has come out with some interesting statistics that show at least in 2004, the Mainstream Media (MSM) was indeed biased towards the left. While few would argue that both Bush and Kerry got their fair share of dirt spread around (National Guard and Swift Boat Vets), Reuters found that Bush had 3 times the number of negative articles ...
March 16, 2005 by Dr Guy
A lot has been made of the 20,000 recruits to the Al Qaeda cause that the war in Iraq produced, but something strange happened on the way to the Martyr bank.  They chickened out! It seems that instead of the 20,000 largely touted in the 'unbiased' press, the actual number now being admitted to by the media elite is closer to 3,500. While stil not news to jump for joy, there is one big problem with a Martyr.  They only get one chance to blow themselves up (cloning not being a sanc...
March 16, 2005 by Dr Guy
A judge in California recently ruled that preventing gay marriages was not legal according to the California Constitution.  Ok, that was about as unexpected as a sunset.  But in writing about he story, the writer betrayed a total bias, and leant nothing to the story: Supporters of same-sex marriage found an ally in San Francisco Judge Richard Kramer - a Catholic Republican appointed to the bench by a former GOP governor. What does his religion or political persuasion ha...
March 16, 2005 by Dr Guy
In the US Senate, altho the 'nuclear option' has been discussed, no formal motion to invoke it has occurred, and indeed no cause has yet been invoked to even try it. Yet, in a pre-emptive strike (I thought the democrats blasted Bush for pre-emptive strikes - go figure!), Senator 'Baby Huey' Reid has said the democrats will slow the pace of the senate down to a crawl. Slow it down? Hell Shut it down for all the good it does! [aside]Outside of voting on Judicial and executive nominees, the o...
March 15, 2005 by Dr Guy
ParaTed2k started it, and Manopeace carried on the tradition.  Doing jokes on a religion.  It could just as well have been an ethnicity, for in each case, they were funny (except the ones that did not get some of the inside ones) and not spiteful or mean. And yet, they did poke fun at some aspect of a religion.  Accentuating it so that it was funny, but not denigrating it for the sake of laughs. And that was good and fun!  I learned some, and contributed some. But I ...
March 15, 2005 by Dr Guy
A recent poll, in of all places Iraq, showed some very interesting stats. 75% of those responding stated that democracy had a positive meaning, while 9% stated that it had a negative meeting, and 60% of respondents said that democracy is "preferable to any other system of government." . .  . One wonders what the percentage of Americn students, who grew up with that form of government would answer the same.  I wager it is less than 75% 55% of respondents somewhat or...
March 15, 2005 by Dr Guy
Ok, I am familiar with the story, so I do know what the author meant.  But come on!  Dont you think those guys getting paid mucho dinero can phrase it better? Selig to Testify on Steroids I hope he stops using them soon!
March 15, 2005 by Dr Guy
Ok, I am familiar with the story, so I do know what the author meant.  But come on!  Dont you think those guys getting paid mucho dinero can phrase it better? Selig to Testify on Steroids I hope he stops using them soon!
March 14, 2005 by Dr Guy
Today we had an article by Little Whipabout a dog that was being abused.  I volunteered to call the Animal Control so that she would be spared possible retaliations from her neighbors.  People who abuse helpless animals are often known to go after 'do gooders' as well. But roping a dog to a stake and not feeding or giving it water is not the only way to abuse a dog.  This very same day, a woman in a county north of us, is being charged with involunatary manslaughter.  Why?...
March 14, 2005 by Dr Guy
A man, peacefully protesting against abortions, was arrested.  His crime?  Having a 15-17 week old dead fetus in a jar.  The Crime?  Yup, Exposing a dead body part. Now how can a dead fetus be a dead body part?  Isnt that kind of hypocritical since we have been told for 30 years now that fetuses were not living people, but just a mass of parasitic tissue?  If this case does not get thrown out of court due to the shere hypocrasy of the whole situation, then ca...
March 14, 2005 by Dr Guy
The face of the 'anti-war' protestors has been exposed for the hypocrits they are.  No longer satisfied to merely demonstrate against a war that has long been over (it is the peace we are fighting now), these clowns are still protesting, yet when asked "Would they allow anyone from the newly-elected Iraqi parliament to address the gatherings? " The caller was met with beligerance and intolerance. There were many people opposed to the Iraq war, and I know many of them did it out of good c...
March 14, 2005 by Dr Guy
It seems the 'first step' of muslims finally condemning Terrorism has a gotcha.  INstead of just plain condeming it, the Spanish clerics have made a swipe at the US for daring to strike back after it was attacked by Bin Laden. Even when they try to supposedly do the right thing, the Spanish Islamic Commission cant help but still come down on the side of "if it is a muslim doing it, just bend over and take it". What a bunch of hypocrits!