Seems a HawwwVawwd Professor has been busted for stealing poop from a farmer! Seems he needed some more for the institution of Higher poopdom! But instead of bowing down to the capitalistic Farmer, he decided to liberate some on his own, ala ELF and PETA. I guess Harvard is not paying their professors enough that they have to resort to stealing sh*t that goes for only $35 a truck load (that is a lot of Poop for those not in the know). Or maybe they think they just need more ...
Boxer and fellow idiot Bill Nelson are holding up Stephen Johnson's vote as head of the EPA. The reason? Because he will not denounce a program that tests children for pestacides. Not test Pestacides on Children, but just to see how the exposure to every day pesticide use affects children. Now, instead of some boon doggle, I think that would have merit, as altho there are warning labels against allowing children to use them, no one has ever checked to see how everyday e...
"Alabama Crash Kills Five, Two Each From Tennessee and Georgia"--headline, Associated Press, April 4 2 + 2 = 5. New math! "The House Subcommittee on Crime will take up a bill intended to curb gang activity on Tuesday afternoon, but some juvenile justice groups call the law misguided.", April 5 They might want to include all afternoons. Gangs are not limited to one day a week! "MADD Hosts Lunch for Officers Enforcing DUIs"--headline, WIS-TV...
"Alabama Crash Kills Five, Two Each From Tennessee and Georgia"--headline, Associated Press, April 4 2 + 2 = 5. New math! "The House Subcommittee on Crime will take up a bill intended to curb gang activity on Tuesday afternoon, but some juvenile justice groups call the law misguided.", April 5 They might want to include all afternoons. Gangs are not limited to one day a week! "MADD Hosts Lunch for Officers Enforcing DUIs"--headline, WIS-TV...
As part of the latest energy bill, congress is looking to extend Daylight Savings Time. While I am not particulary in favor of that, I definitely have a problem with the following statement: Lawmakers crafting energy legislation approved an amendment Wednesday to extend daylight-saving time by two months, having it start on the first Sunday in March and end on the last Sunday in November. Ok, can anyone see the problem? It jumped out at me like a sore thumb! have at it!
WASHINGTON, DC --- Ted Kennedy, who was recently declared brain-dead by his physician, is fighting for his life. The Senator's family is trying to have his feeding tube removed to allow him to die a sober death. The tube, attached to a bottle of vodka and a bottle of gin, has been utilized by the senator for his entire adult life. Medical experts believe removal will almost certainly result in death. "This is a very complex situation," said one medical expert. "Senator...
WASHINGTON, DC --- Ted Kennedy, who was recently declared brain-dead by his physician, is fighting for his life. The Senator's family is trying to have his feeding tube removed to allow him to die a sober death. The tube, attached to a bottle of vodka and a bottle of gin, has been utilized by the senator for his entire adult life. Medical experts believe removal will almost certainly result in death. "This is a very complex situation," said one medical expert. "Senator...
"Schiavo Case Evolved Into Huge News Story"--headline, Associated Press, April 2 No wonder no one listens to the MSM. They were just realizing that on April 2? "Terrorism Case Puts Words of Muslim Leader On Trial in Va."--headline, Washington Post, April 4 If convicted, do they cut out his tongue and lock it up? "College Students Download in Dorm Rooms"--headline, Associated Press, April 2 I heard that they also Upload there! "Rats Like to Be Tickled, ...
"Schiavo Case Evolved Into Huge News Story"--headline, Associated Press, April 2 No wonder no one listens to the MSM. They were just realizing that on April 2? "Terrorism Case Puts Words of Muslim Leader On Trial in Va."--headline, Washington Post, April 4 If convicted, do they cut out his tongue and lock it up? "College Students Download in Dorm Rooms"--headline, Associated Press, April 2 I heard that they also Upload there! "Rats Like to Be Tickled, ...
In what can only be a serious comedy of errors, and a lack of skills speaking the native language, a Chinese man, Ming Kung Chen, was trapped in an elevator for 3 days. While New York's finest scoured the city for him, the Building security could not be bothered to listen to his (albeit in Chinese) pleas or even look at their security cameras! It was not until someone came to fix the elevator Tuesday morning that he was found. Being without food and water for 3 days should have made ...
By now, most Americans are well aware of Tom Delay's problems with the ethics committee and he has been piloried in the press and by the left for it. Apparently, while nothing he has done is 'illegal', some of it is highly questionable and unethical. Now, comes his chief detractor in her shining armor to save the country from this scaliwag. Yes, the great and moronic Nancy Pelosi is going to slay this evil dragon for the betterment of liberals every where. But wait! Is th...
I promised Shades that I would write an article from a conservative Catholic perspective on Euthanasia. And so I will. Shades, you asked me how I feel on the subject. Good question! You did not ask me how I beleive! Your fault! (not really, just tweaking you). What I believe. I believe in the sanctity of life, to the exclusion of all else. Life is not ours to deal with, it is a gift from God (OK! get off my case you Atheists) I believe since it ...
"For the second time in a week, a woman was killed after being struck by passing cars while attempting to run across a busy Houston freeway."--Houston Chronicle, April 1 The Second coming of Lazarus? She should have learned the first time. "Teen Jailed After Violating Order ;akljdf ;alkdjf"--headline, Lexington (Ky.) Herald-Leader, April 1 Some papers just dont know how to cuss. "L.A.-Area Tsunami Could Cause Massive Damage--Study"--headline, Reuters, March 31 They need...
"For the second time in a week, a woman was killed after being struck by passing cars while attempting to run across a busy Houston freeway."--Houston Chronicle, April 1 The Second coming of Lazarus? She should have learned the first time. "Teen Jailed After Violating Order ;akljdf ;alkdjf"--headline, Lexington (Ky.) Herald-Leader, April 1 Some papers just dont know how to cuss. "L.A.-Area Tsunami Could Cause Massive Damage--Study"--headline, Reuters, March 31 They need...
Several people, on the death of Pope John Paul II, have expressed their respect for the man and his duties, but........ In almost all cases, they were very respectful, but they just had a very strong disagreement with the Pope on the subject of Birth Control. As do I. However, I have been a Catholic all my life, went through a crises of faith and had to find it again. In the process I learned alot about my birth faith so that I could be a good Catholic even when disagreeing with some o...