"Alabama Crash Kills Five, Two Each From Tennessee and Georgia"--headline, Associated Press, April 4
2 + 2 = 5. New math!
"The House Subcommittee on Crime will take up a bill intended to curb gang activity on Tuesday afternoon, but some juvenile justice groups call the law misguided."--CNSNews.com, April 5
They might want to include all afternoons. Gangs are not limited to one day a week!
"MADD Hosts Lunch for Officers Enforcing DUIs"--headline, WIS-TV Web site (Columbia, S.C.), April 4
Officer, did I do anything wrong? Sorry son, you are not drunk enough to drive!
"Council to Consider Tax Status of Resurrection"--headline, Crain's Chicago Business, April 5
Well, it was bound to happen. Now they want to tax not only death, but the afterlife as well!