By now, most Americans are well aware of Tom Delay's problems with the ethics committee and he has been piloried in the press and by the left for it. Apparently, while nothing he has done is 'illegal', some of it is highly questionable and unethical.
Now, comes his chief detractor in her shining armor to save the country from this scaliwag. Yes, the great and moronic Nancy Pelosi is going to slay this evil dragon for the betterment of liberals every where.
But wait! Is that a stain I see on that armor? By Golly Yes! The accuser has done the same thing as the accused! Yes, she has dipped into the tainted pot of unethical behaviour!
But, but, but, but..........How can this be? Is not she the epitomy of sainthood? Pure of deed and thought?
What is that you say? What are the liberals saying? Speak up? You condemn her behaviour as well?
No? NO? Oh, what is that you are saying? It is only a crime when a conservative does it? And that this is just her personal business and NONE OF OURS?
Ah! Now I understand the whole situation! Another example of liberal speak.
Do as I say, not as I do.