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Harvard Prof Steps in it!
Published on April 9, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Seems a HawwwVawwd Professor has been busted for stealing poop from a farmer!  Seems he needed some more for the institution of Higher poopdom!  But instead of bowing down to the capitalistic Farmer, he decided to liberate some on his own, ala ELF and PETA.

I guess Harvard is not paying their professors enough that they have to resort to stealing sh*t that goes for only $35 a truck load (that is a lot of Poop for those not in the know).  Or maybe they think they just need more sh*t at harvard?  or their sh*t is not good enough?

Who knows with the Harvard bunch these days!  The only thing that is certain is that they do lack brains.  Hey!  Wait!  Could it be they need more for their brains?

The New Harvard Motto!  Free sh*t for our brains!

Works for me!

on Apr 09, 2005
Get that shit out of here, will ya? I don't want to see that shit anymore. I can't cut that shit, buddy. ... By jo ... the shit has hit the fan.

i fan sanno di chi sto parlando. Smettila di atteggiarti da duro, ...

These days Dr. Guy is so big and strong. Go Tiger, Go... Go...
on Apr 09, 2005

These days Dr. Guy is so big and strong. Go Tiger, Go... Go...

Uh, yea.  You trippin now?  Get some help.