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For Shades
Published on April 5, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

I promised Shades that I would write an article from a conservative Catholic perspective on Euthanasia.  And so I will.

Shades, you asked me how I feel on the subject.  Good question!  You did not ask me how I beleive!  Your fault! (not really, just tweaking you).

What I believe.  I believe in the sanctity of life, to the exclusion of all else.  Life is not ours to deal with, it is a gift from God (OK!  get off my case you Atheists)

I believe since it is a gift that we must make the most of it for the betterment of humankind, for we are made in his image (or hers) and in doing so we honor our creator.  That to take life is to denigrate that which he(she) endowed us with and to cheapen it.

We must, with all our might, fight the death of any one.  Born or unborn.


There comes a time when all life ends.  For some, it is of our chosing, as it was for Pope John Paul II.  He did not choose his time, but he chose his way, and that is the key.  He Chose it!

And that is the difference.

he Chose it.  How many of us would choose to starve to death?  Versus how many of us would say "ok, time is up, lets go".

Dying with dignity vs dying without dignity.

that is the contrast we saw this past week.

I would help anyone terminally ill to die with dignity.  I burried 2 grandfathers and my male role model before it was allowed, and they were just vegetables.

But I did not starve any of them to death.

I am not that sadistic.

on Apr 05, 2005
Good article. I've lost a couple of vegetables in my family. I prefer to remember them when they were still people. I prefer to think that they died long before the doctors finally let their bodies stop.
on Apr 05, 2005
I thought euthanasia was young people in China.
on Apr 06, 2005

I prefer to remember them when they were still people

Exactly.  My Grandfather had wasted away to a 70lb man before he finally died.  but that shell was not the man I grew up with and admired.

on Apr 06, 2005
Good points Doc.... but consider another option.... Retroactive Abortion. I am a firm believer that this should be looked into by the scientific community.