"For the second time in a week, a woman was killed after being struck by passing cars while attempting to run across a busy Houston freeway."--Houston Chronicle, April 1
The Second coming of Lazarus? She should have learned the first time.
"Teen Jailed After Violating Order ;akljdf ;alkdjf"--headline, Lexington (Ky.) Herald-Leader, April 1
Some papers just dont know how to cuss.
"L.A.-Area Tsunami Could Cause Massive Damage--Study"--headline, Reuters, March 31
They needed a study to tell them this?????
"Troopers Say Paying Attention Behind the Wheel Can Save Lives"--headline, KTRE-TV Web site (Lufkin, Texas), March 31
WOW! I never knew that!
"Five Out of Five Researchers Agree: Earth's Solar System Special"--headline, Space.com, March 31
I dont trust them. I want at least a 6th!
"Study Says Farmed Salmon Breed Sea Lice"--headline, Associated Press, March 30
Smart Salmon!
"Woman Is Informed by Federal Agency That She's Alive"--headline, Associated Press, March 29
And you wondered what federal agencies were good for!
"Pet-Food Drive to Help Low-Income Seniors"--headline, Arizona Republic, March 31
Wouldn't people food taste better?