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Is it possible to get stupider?
Published on April 8, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

Boxer and fellow idiot Bill Nelson are holding up Stephen Johnson's vote as head of the EPA.  The reason?  Because he will not denounce a program that tests children for pestacides.

Not test Pestacides on Children, but just to see how the exposure to every day pesticide use affects children.  Now, instead of some boon doggle, I think that would have merit, as altho there are warning labels against allowing children to use them, no one has ever checked to see how everyday exposure affects how the grow and develope.

But of course Boxer and Bill have carted out the old nazi card again (like that is a surprise) and accused the EPA of testing Pestacides ON children.  Which is totally false and factually empty.

I guess the liberal leadership is again searching for anything to hate about the Bush Administration, and not finding anything, are making things up!

Boxer's IQ just went down another 10 points.  She should sell it before it goes through the floor.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 08, 2005
Someone needs to slap the shit out of that ignorant democrat!
on Apr 08, 2005
Someone needs to slap the shit out of that ignorant democrat!

With each statement she makes, you got to wonder if her mother gave an extra squeeze when she was born!
on Apr 08, 2005
Democrats are the best campaign ads for Republicans.
on Apr 08, 2005
"But of course Boxer and Bill have carted out the old nazi card again (like that is a surprise) and accused the EPA of testing Pestacides ON children."

I don't doubt it in the slightest. Doc. Guy, your conservative belief system places you at odds with genius such as Jefferson, etc. Taht is, did not Jefferson know better than to trust government? What could be behind Jefferson's advocating revolution every twent years?

BTW, Doc. Miller, Michael Jackson is innocent. It is not railroad job, but a bullet train that crackers have strapped him to. Give him a fair trial; he'd do it for you. Besides, those of us who partied at Studio 54 with Michael know that he is more man than Doc. Miller could ever hope to be.
on Apr 08, 2005
BTW, Doc. Miller, Michael Jackson is innocent. It is not railroad job, but a bullet train that crackers have strapped him to. Give him a fair trial; he'd do it for you. Besides, those of us who partied at Studio 54 with Michael know that he is more man than Doc. Miller could ever hope to be.

And your a hopeless "ignorant" troll! Show me butthead, where I said ANYTHING about Michael!
on Apr 08, 2005

"And your a hopeless "ignorant" troll! Show me butthead, where I said ANYTHING about Michael"

I'll show you where- the money- if you make like a good troll and agree to stop attacking Michael. Do you agree to these terms, sir? As to your veracity, Doctor Doom, I am under no illusions. How much moonshine can one redneck drink? I'd be interested to hear the record, if you know.

I repeat what I said. Freaking SHOW ME anything/anywhere where I have attacked or even said anything bad about Michael! If you can't, then shut the hell up!
on Apr 08, 2005
Someone needs to slap the shit out of that ignorant democrat!

Someone needs to slap the shit out of this ignorant neocon republican.

What is really horrific about this pesticides testing with children is that we already know that the pesticides are dangerous. They are poisonous on very dangerous levels. Yet, rather than instructing people on safe use of them, or telling them that they shouldn't even be around children, these dickheads want to just let the kids continue to be exposed to them, then measure the amount of damage done. That's fucked up. And, I applaud Boxer for her efforts to expose this bullshit and prevent this double dickhead's nomination to run the EPA. This is so wrong...........
on Apr 08, 2005
Someone needs to slap the shit out of this ignorant neocon republican.

What is really horrific about this pesticides testing with children is that we already know that the pesticides are dangerous. They are poisonous on very dangerous levels. Yet, rather than instructing people on safe use of them, or telling them that they shouldn't even be around children, these dickheads want to just let the kids continue to be exposed to them, then measure the amount of damage done. That's fucked up. And, I applaud Boxer for her efforts to expose this bullshit and prevent this double dickhead's nomination to run the EPA. This is so wrong...........

It's also a great BIG LIE! Go read the second paragraph of the original post. And this time try to comprehend what it is that your reading.
on Apr 08, 2005
Doctor Miller, in your heart of ... scratch that. Even he peanut size brain that rattles around in your head accepts that government is by nature tyrannical. It hits the helpless the hardest, so it is no wonder you target the children, and their champion, the king of pop, Mr. Michael Jackson.

GET LOST!!! I will not dignify your idiocy with an answer.
on Apr 08, 2005
It's also a great BIG LIE! Go read the second paragraph of the original post. And this time try to comprehend what it is that your reading.

God, you are such a freakin' moron......... Holy shit!
That is EXACTLY what I said. DOH!!! DUH!!!!
on Apr 08, 2005
EPA Scraps Controversial Pesticide Testing Program

Thank you, Ms. Boxer. You brought those assholes to their knees. Now, EPA has to give the money back to the lobbyists who promoted this crazy scheme. Even Johnson couldn't support this totally idiotic and dangerous project.
on Apr 09, 2005

I don't doubt it in the slightest. Doc. Guy, your conservative belief system places you at odds with genius such as Jefferson, etc. Taht is, did not Jefferson know better than to trust government? What could be behind Jefferson's advocating revolution every twent years?

If you bothered (or could) read, you would know that I am a Jeffersonian and firmly believe that the government that governs least governs best.  However, I do not see how that applies in this case.  Are you saying we should not allow the EPA to check on the effects of pollution on Children?  Your inability to make a point has already been demonstrated.  Try some intelligence in the future.

on Apr 09, 2005

BTW, Doc. Miller, Michael Jackson is innocent. It is not railroad job, but a bullet train that crackers have strapped him to. Give him a fair trial; he'd do it for you. Besides, those of us who partied at Studio 54 with Michael know that he is more man than Doc. Miller could ever hope to be.

Now you are just being a troll!  Who the hell was talking about MJ?  Show me where I have ever blogged or commented on him?  Jackass.

on Apr 09, 2005

And your a hopeless "ignorant" troll! Show me butthead, where I said ANYTHING about Michael!


on Apr 09, 2005

I repeat what I said. Freaking SHOW ME anything/anywhere where I have attacked or even said anything bad about Michael! If you can't, then shut the hell up!

Thank you for quoting it as that allowed me to delete it as totally irrelevant and not even factual!

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