It seems that a hacker posted a hack on the internet on how to break in to some college's system to find out about admissions. The problem was to do so, the interloper had to use a personal access code that the University had given them. Thus the universities knew who was trying it.
Several of them (MIT and Harvard to name 2 big ones) have already booted all the miscreants. Others are considering what to do with them (there was no 'mischief', just an unethical activity).
Now I am not the smartest cookie in the box, nor the most honest person (I have been known to keep change found in pay phones). But if I am going to do something that is at the least unethical, and at worse illegal, I am going to try like hell to cover my tracks! So giving out a PIN to do it is not what I would call smart.
And these people were applying for advanced college schools? Makes you wonder if they would have gotten in to begin with.