Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
If the Parents dont.....
Published on March 9, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Discipline of children is becoming a farce.  The Age of Dr. Spock (not the pointy eared one) have created a bunch of wimpy parents that refuse to take matters into their own hands and discipline their own children.  But Whoa be to the school personnel who try it as those same sorry excuses for parents are going to be calling for heads and perhaps even a Civil suit!

IN this case, I think the school did the perfect thing.  They had the little hellion arrested!  The Police should have held the monster over night, and I am sure there will be calls of police harrasment on this.  Tough!

The kid was not unruly, he was being destructive and physically abusive just because he was not allowed to go play with his classmates.  He probably had never heard the word no before either!

I admit it has been 40 years since I was in Elementary school, and many things have changed.  One is that I was swatted a few times, and even ate some soap too!  But that was mild compared to what I got when I got home!

Today, anything goes.  Aw, but the poor dear is mis-understood!  We should nurture his ego and self esteem!  Bullsh*t!  If Children are not going to learn limits as children, when are they going to learn them?  Doing 8-10 in the big house when he pulls this stunt when he is 18?

Parents who refuse to discipline children are not doing them any favors.  Instead they are just trying to be the childs best friend.  Children are children for a reason. They are too immature to act responsibly in all sitauations, and need to be shown the ropes.  To deny this this lesson is the worst form of child abuse going.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 09, 2005
I agree with what your saying, although the first thing I thought when I saw the title was the part from the holy grail with the nuns. "Spank me, no me, I need a spanking"
on Mar 09, 2005

"Spank me, no me, I need a spanking"

!  Ok, I did not see that one, but I do now!  I hope I dont attract a lot of S&M types to this article!

on Mar 09, 2005
I doubt anyone single American has been more distructive to the whole concept of raising children than that hack posterchild for Malpractice "Dr" Benjamin Spock.

I'll admit that spanking is not the only answer, but there are times when it is. The people who equate spanking with abuse must think that 2-4 year olds can be "reasoned with" or that juvenile delinquents respect "a good talking to". ;~D
on Mar 09, 2005
Dr. Guy,

Having already blogged on this, I have to say, I disagree with you. Granted, mamby pamby libs have left the schools with little recourse as regards dicsipline, and granted, the child was a brat with a capitol "B", but I still contend that a jail is an intimidating place for an adult, let alone an 8 year old child.

Frankly, at that age (and I say this WITHOUT qualification), that kind of behaviour is reflective on the PARENT more than the child.
on Mar 09, 2005

Having already blogged on this, I have to say, I disagree with you. Granted, mamby pamby libs have left the schools with little recourse as regards dicsipline, and granted, the child was a brat with a capitol "B", but I still contend that a jail is an intimidating place for an adult, let alone an 8 year old child.

Frankly, at that age (and I say this WITHOUT qualification), that kind of behaviour is reflective on the PARENT more than the child.

I missed your blog on this, but would liek to read it.

As for Jail being intimidating, yes it is!  And sometimes that is what is needed.  I agree that the parent is the primary problem, but with no way of forcing them to discipline their child, perhaps some non-violent (and I dont mean to imply that spanking is merely violent) way of getting the kid to 'sit up and fly straight' is in order.  I am sure the parents are 'aghast' that little junior was arrested.  ANd I suspect the child did get a scare.  But that is what he needs now, not some more molly coddling.

on Mar 09, 2005

I doubt anyone single American has been more distructive to the whole concept of raising children than that hack posterchild for Malpractice "Dr" Benjamin Spock.

Fortunately for me, my parents did not believe in him.  But it was my mother I was more afraid of than any male parent!  She used a belt!  But, as a parent now, I know I both deserved it when I got it, and needed it when I was throwing my own tantrums.

on Mar 09, 2005
But it was my mother I was more afraid of than any male parent! She used a belt!

My mom quit using her hand to spank when she caught my brother's butt wrong and sprained her pinky. After that it was a hanger. To this day my butt looks like a Plus Sign! ;~D

I deserved them too!! There is no way anyone can convince me that I was abused. In fact, even with the spankings, I'd say I abused my parents much more than they ever "abused" me!
on Mar 09, 2005
I deserved them too!! There is no way anyone can convince me that I was abused. In fact, even with the spankings, I'd say I abused my parents much more than they ever "abused" me!

I have often confided to other adults, that if my children ever tried half the stuff I did as a child, I would kill them! So got to agree that all mine were earned as well!
on Mar 09, 2005
I deserved them too!! There is no way anyone can convince me that I was abused. In fact, even with the spankings, I'd say I abused my parents much more than they ever "abused" me!

I often wonder just how many people there are in the world that are completely traumatized by being spanked (not beaten) as a child.
I've been spanked and I've been made to cry (particularly that time as a child when I had a very dirty mouth, which quickly ended after the spanking).
Pardon my French, but people who think that spanking is child abuse make the French seem like their manly Belgian neighbors (as proven by Jean-Claude Van Damme).
on Mar 09, 2005
You're absolutely right Dr. Guy. The unfortunate thing is nowadays, the cry of child abuse is so overly abused. Kids know how easy it is to get away with wrong doings because the parents are not willing to give them the punishment each wrong doing deserves; especially to "nip it in the bud" the minute a child shows the tendency for truancy of any form.
on Mar 09, 2005
It's sad that so many people are ready to cry child abuse over something like spanking. I have seen kids who have been abused and it was a far cry from only being a spanking that these kids recieved. A spanking doesnt have to cause physical pain to be effective. And it definately doesn't cause blackeyes and bruises all over their bodies. Now that IS child abuse. It's no wonder that our social services are so backed up with all of these people yelling child abuse over parents spanking, the sad thing is that they seem to be missing the ones that really do need the help.
I was spanked as a kid and I have spanked my own kids. I tried the whole timeout thing. It doesnt seem to work the majority of the time.
on Mar 09, 2005
You're absolutely right Dr. Guy. The unfortunate thing is nowadays, the cry of child abuse is so overly abused. Kids know how easy it is to get away with wrong doings because the parents are not willing to give them the punishment each wrong doing deserves; especially to "nip it in the bud" the minute a child shows the tendency for truancy of any form.

I do have (or should say had as mine are too old to spank now). I never spanked them in anger. I would cool down first and let them think about it. In the end, I did not spank very often. I wish my ex had that philosophy. I saw her haul off in anger and smack the kids more than once. Just as her mother did to her.
on Mar 09, 2005
I was spanked as a kid and I have spanked my own kids. I tried the whole timeout thing. It doesnt seem to work the majority of the time.

Actually, with my oldest it did. But for the others? yea right! I can still hear them laughing at it!
on Mar 09, 2005
Funny, I just wrote about how Time Out works so well for my boy. I'm SO glad it does. I HATE spanking (a personal thing, other parents have to do what works for them).

My mom quit using her hand to spank when she caught my brother's butt wrong and sprained her pinky. After that it was a hanger. To this day my butt looks like a Plus Sign! ;~D

I don't know...but wow...that's um, rather extreme isn't it?

A spanking doesnt have to cause physical pain to be effective. And it definately doesn't cause blackeyes and bruises all over their bodies

Now that's more what I think of when I think of physical discipline.
on Mar 09, 2005
Funny, I just wrote about how Time Out works so well for my boy. I'm SO glad it does. I HATE spanking (a personal thing, other parents have to do what works for them).

It all depends upon the child. Often, with the first born, they are more mature and looking for acceptance from adults, so any rebuke is a blow to their self esteem. But with the younger ones, they are not as mature and doling out 'adult' type of rebukes does not work.

I dont advocate spanking as the only means of discipline, but sometimes it is the best one. And as others have stated, it is not abusive. It is showing them that they have far to go to be on equal footing with adults, and until they reach that point, they need to listen.
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