Discipline of children is becoming a farce. The Age of Dr. Spock (not the pointy eared one) have created a bunch of wimpy parents that refuse to take matters into their own hands and discipline their own children. But Whoa be to the school personnel who try it as those same sorry excuses for parents are going to be calling for heads and perhaps even a Civil suit!
IN this case, I think the school did the perfect thing. They had the little hellion arrested! The Police should have held the monster over night, and I am sure there will be calls of police harrasment on this. Tough!
The kid was not unruly, he was being destructive and physically abusive just because he was not allowed to go play with his classmates. He probably had never heard the word no before either!
I admit it has been 40 years since I was in Elementary school, and many things have changed. One is that I was swatted a few times, and even ate some soap too! But that was mild compared to what I got when I got home!
Today, anything goes. Aw, but the poor dear is mis-understood! We should nurture his ego and self esteem! Bullsh*t! If Children are not going to learn limits as children, when are they going to learn them? Doing 8-10 in the big house when he pulls this stunt when he is 18?
Parents who refuse to discipline children are not doing them any favors. Instead they are just trying to be the childs best friend. Children are children for a reason. They are too immature to act responsibly in all sitauations, and need to be shown the ropes. To deny this this lesson is the worst form of child abuse going.