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Stand up against those Yellow B@$^@*&$
Published on March 10, 2005 By Dr Guy In Humor

With all the horror and death and destruction in the world, it is good to take some time out for a little humor now and then.

Today we bring you the "Anti-Banana" society!  Most would not even think of how evil they are, but we have it on the best of authroity that he following are actual factoids!

Q: What do bananas, Hitler, and Napoleon have in common?
A: Everything.

Q: What did the banana say to the orange?
A: You will die you orange bastard.

Q: How do you spell banana?
A: E, V, I, L.

Q: Do banana's [sic] drink coke or pepsi?
A: Neither, they drink blood because they're evil.

Q: If you were in the middle of Saudi Arabia and you saw a banana what should you do?
A: Run to the nearest military stronghold because you can bet that a banana in the desert in Saudi Arabia is up to no good

on Mar 10, 2005
Hehehe funny, but don't go comparing Napoleon to Hitler, Mr. Bonaparte was actually quite benevolent, in his own little way stood up for the people. The Napoleon code is still in use today.
on Mar 11, 2005
Hehehe funny, but don't go comparing Napoleon to Hitler, Mr. Bonaparte was actually quite benevolent, in his own little way stood up for the people. The Napoleon code is still in use today.

I got this off the site. I did not actually write the jokes, but found them to be very refreshing!
on Mar 11, 2005
You're the Top Banana Dr. Guy!!!! ;~D
on Mar 11, 2005
I got this off the site. I did not actually write the jokes, but found them to be very refreshing!

Okay then. It was certainly funny though, my opinion of Napoleon aside!
on Mar 14, 2005
Vigilante Justice = Bannana Pudding