Little-Whip wrote about a neighbor, whose blind hatred of Bush had warped her total compassion for all humanity. It matters not to this woman that her satisfaction will come at the expense of thousands perhaps millions of lives. Real people trying to make a life for themselves and their familes. Like Miri.
If she (Crack Whore) were an isolated example, we could dismiss her, perhaps even confine her to a rehab center. But we saw another example of such blind hatred when a blogger here at JU wished a bloggers family death.
I know the vast majority of bloggers here at JU that lean to the left in no way shape or form condone such behaviour as these 2 represent. And it is represent for they are far more numerous than most of the sane rational members of the left would like to admit.
But I want you all, both liberals and conservatives, to look at these 2 examples. Look at what unchecked, blind hatred can do to you and your allies. You may not succumb to the tempations to 'wish someone death' based upon hatred, but your friend and political ally standing next to you just may do it. All because you let hate instead of reason rule the debate.
Take these people as a warning, and before hoping for the failure of the presidents policies, just because he is not of your political stripe, look at what you are wishing for. People, like you and I. Whose only crime was to be rescued by your political opponent.