Ah those zany democrat legislators are at it again! Let's see, we had the roosters with boxing gloves and the 'hip hugger crack showing' fines fellows from Oklahoma and Virginia.
Now we have some clown in florida that wants to tax toilet paper! Not sewage. Not water, toilet paper! The rationale goes, the more paper you use, the more full of shit you are! (Politicians must use it by the case load then!).
This is so stupid, it has to be funny! But can you imagine the outrage? WHat about the people who refuse to wipe because it would cost too much (Ok Parated2k, insert your famous quote here)! Or who dont wipe enough to 'conserve' their now precious luxury item (as defined by what is taxed witha luxury tax).
Or how about this! The proposed law is discriminatory! It penalizes females much more than males! When was the last time Tom, Dick or Harry wiped after peeing?
When was the last time a woman (French excluded) did not? It is patently obvious to any man who is married to a woman, that the major users of TP are women! Just watch that roll disappear when you have a house full of them (as I had growing up and then 2 daughters!).
I think that all the women of the USA and indeed more importantly, Florida, should stand uup and demand that this discriminatory tax be flushed down the toilet!
Ladies, you have not come this far to be thrust back into discrimination by some male clown that stands and pees!