I have been clobbered at times for calling some people Luddites. And one blogger was actually kind of enough to post the dictionary definition. But the linked story is a better description of a luddite. Here are a bunch of nuts that are after the FCC for allowing Cell phone towers and radio towers to be built because they 'confuse' birds! Birds! Gideon Macleish wrote an article that said that the 6 billion people on this planet are not over population, and in that I agree...
Yep! After all the bitterness and acrimony of the 2004 election, it still is not over. The State of Washington has a new governor, or maybe not. After 3 recounts, the democrat was elected by 129 votes out of 2.9 million cast. ANd then only after many suspicious missing votes were found in King County, a very heavily democrat area. And the Republicans are not giving up. In what amounts to court victory, a judge has ruled that Republicans can use proportional ...
"Norwegian Court Convicts First Woman for Rape"--headline, Reuters, April 28 They dug up EVE just to convict her? What about the statute of limitations? "Police who went to the aid of a distraught man jumping off a bridge in Seattle ended up shooting him early this morning."--KOMO-TV, April 29 Dont jump, you might hit someone. Let the police shoot you instead! "Jail Official: Woman Who Hanged Self Seemed Disturbed"--headline, Tucson Citizen, April 29 Whew! I...
"Norwegian Court Convicts First Woman for Rape"--headline, Reuters, April 28 They dug up EVE just to convict her? What about the statute of limitations? "Police who went to the aid of a distraught man jumping off a bridge in Seattle ended up shooting him early this morning."--KOMO-TV, April 29 Dont jump, you might hit someone. Let the police shoot you instead! "Jail Official: Woman Who Hanged Self Seemed Disturbed"--headline, Tucson Citizen, April 29 Whew! I...
you hear that sound? thats the sound of the world's smallest violin playing one for the Zell 'The Psycho from Hell' Miller . . . I wouldn't give two shits for that feckless traitor to float on if he were drowning."--" NNguyenMD "Old Zell is about to meet the real devil, up close" - David Dunham First time I've seen a guy hospitalized...with the diagnosis, "Batshit Crazy" - Spiffarino He was always mentally ill, physically doesn't really matter. - Catfight ...
The Washington pest just published one of their polls where they once again stacked the deck. IN this one, they headlines cdreamed that America did not want to stop the Filibustering of Judicial nominees! Well, that sounds informatiive. Until you actually read the poll (it is in PDF on the link). NO where in the question does it say anything about filibustering. No where! So how can they say that the american public does not want the filibustering to stop? Rea...
She disguises her self, runs off to New Mexico, causes police to mount a manhunt (womanhunt?), and throws her fiance into a questionable light (He killed her!). And then, after saying she was kidnapped, Jennifer Wilbanks (Wilburn Sir Petey?) says I am sorry. Heheehe. It was only a joke. Ok, she had her laugh. But now her jilted beau says he still wants to marry her! This guy is some catch for you single ladies! (mignuna, he may not make tea, but he will definitely keep you satisif...
Something that was said by a Jewish member of JU got me to thinking. Do Protestants recognize Saints? I know the Catholic Church has a very rigid (and some say too strict) process for recognizing a person who is a saint. And at one time, many years ago, there were no protestants, so I guess anyone recognized before the Reformation may still be considered a saint. Or are they? I am a cradle Catholic, who never really left the Church, but during my Youth, did dabble in Prot...
Hi, My name is Guy, and I am a points whore {Hi Guy} I have sacraficed my content for points on my Blog {No way} I have slavishly succumbed to sucking up to the populart sites! {Ghast} I am a points whore {Amen brother!} yes, I have succumbed to that evil addiction of points! {say it again!} And I am ready to throw this demon off! {yea brother} I have seen the depravation that becomes those so addicted! {Say it again, yea brother!} And I am ashamed! {amen!} I will not be ...
We began as a nation with a clear formulation of the basic relationship between God, our rights as individuals, the government we created to secure those rights, and the prerequisites for any power exercised by our government. Must be an extreme right winger. mentioning God! "We hold these truths to be self-evident," our founders declared. "That all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights. . . ." Unfair!&n...
The ACLU, as many now know, sued the City and County of Los Angeles to remove a cross from its seal. Shock! They must be supporting the separation of Church and state. But if that was the case, why did they not object to the pagan goddess on the same seal? Because they dont care about the separation of Church and State, tehy only care about harassing Christians for their own perverted ends. The proof is in the deeds, as their words are worthless.
"Oil Prices Slide More Than $2.50 a Barrel"--headline, Associated Press, April 27, 3:25 p.m. EDT "Bush Lays Out Energy Plan As Prices Soar"--headline, Associated Press, April 27, 5 p.m. EDT That was a fast turnaround in only an hour and a half! "Ukrainians Recall Chernobyl"--headline, Columbia (Mo.) Daily Tribune, April 27 Shouldn't they have recalled it before it melted? "Shakespeare Dies After Getting Blown Off Boat"--headline, FoxSports.com, April 27 Talk about...
"Oil Prices Slide More Than $2.50 a Barrel"--headline, Associated Press, April 27, 3:25 p.m. EDT "Bush Lays Out Energy Plan As Prices Soar"--headline, Associated Press, April 27, 5 p.m. EDT That was a fast turnaround in only an hour and a half! "Ukrainians Recall Chernobyl"--headline, Columbia (Mo.) Daily Tribune, April 27 Shouldn't they have recalled it before it melted? "Shakespeare Dies After Getting Blown Off Boat"--headline, FoxSports.com, April 27 Talk about...
We have all been regaled with the antics going on over at the democratunderground.org. To say they are representative of the loony loopy luddite left is an understatement. To find a sane rational person on that site is a feat in and of itself. Yet apparently some do exist. And one of them is the wife of John Edwards, former candidate for the vice presidents office. To her Credit she joined a discussion on Laura Ingram and her fight with Breast Cancer. Having been&n...
4 years ago Apple landed a huge (read $35 million) contract with a local school division under what looked like at the time (and still does 4 years later) shady dealings with a certain School Administrator and his cronies on the School board. Now with a new Superintendent, a new School Board, and a lot of questions about the program itself, Apple lost out to Dell in a real competitive bid. While the current contract is only for half the $35 million, the other half comes due next spring....