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Dr Guy's Articles » Page 107
May 16, 2005 by Dr Guy
May 16, 2005 by Dr Guy
May 14, 2005 by Dr Guy
I have Been listening to the Lionel Show.  It is so bad, but I do to see what is going on in the minds of the demented. And what I have picked up on is 2 things.  First is that he refuses to have anyone on his show that can debate him (I know, I tried).  Second is the mantra of the stung liberal as I will call it. The Conservatives (note, not neocons, Conservatives) sucessfully pigeonholed people like him, Dabe and Wise Fawn as Liberals.  That is not a perjorative term,...
May 13, 2005 by Dr Guy
The 'Finger' that was 'found' by Anna Ayala in a bowl of Chili has been identified as belonging to an associate of her husband who lost it in an industrial accident. Seems the owner had given it to her husband upon request, not realizing the role it would play in one of the largest shakedowns in recent history. Hopefully, now that the finger has been found, the finger finder will find a nice 8x10 foot cell waiting for her soon.
May 13, 2005 by Dr Guy
There has been a big hullabaloo lately whereby several democrats feel that Ken Starr has rehabilitated himself by repudiating the Senate Nuclear Option.  In an interview with CBS, Ken Starr said: This is a radical, radical departure from our history and from our traditions, and it amounts to an assault on the judicial branch of government. It may prove to have the kind of long-term boomerang effect, damage on the institution of the Senate that thoughtful senators may come to regret. ...
May 12, 2005 by Dr Guy
We are all hoping and praying and pulling for you!  Let us know how things are going.  And how the interview went! {{{{{{++++++++Vibes++++++}}}}}}}}}
May 12, 2005 by Dr Guy
The man who found the finger tip in his custard has now said he will give it back.  But Doctors noted that it is too late to re-attach it to the rightful owner. He got his pound of flesh.  I hope when it goes to trial, that is all the jury awards him.  What he already got. The Finger.
May 12, 2005 by Dr Guy
"Japan Airline Chair to Resign Over Mounting Safety Concerns" -- headline, USA Today, May 9 They let chairs resign in Japan?  I just throw mine in the dump! "Incumbants Face Many Challanges Come November" -- headline, WKBW-TV Web site (Buffalo, N.Y.), May 9 Yes, and they are called c-h-a-l-l-e-n-g-e-r-s.  That is why it is called a r-a-c-e. "Good News on Severed Goat Heads: Satan Not Involved"--headline, Reuters, May 10 That may get the devil off the hook ,but I don...
May 12, 2005 by Dr Guy
"Japan Airline Chair to Resign Over Mounting Safety Concerns" -- headline, USA Today, May 9 They let chairs resign in Japan?  I just throw mine in the dump! "Incumbants Face Many Challanges Come November" -- headline, WKBW-TV Web site (Buffalo, N.Y.), May 9 Yes, and they are called c-h-a-l-l-e-n-g-e-r-s.  That is why it is called a r-a-c-e. "Good News on Severed Goat Heads: Satan Not Involved"--headline, Reuters, May 10 That may get the devil off the hook ,but I don...
May 11, 2005 by Dr Guy
My ancestors may have come over on the boat from France, and indeed, I am related to Napolean (so that is corsican I guess), but I am tired of their bool schid (as Moderateman says). The latest?  Their idea of humor is to call Pope Benedict XVI "Adolph II" and that he is going to change the sign of the cross to "The Father, son and Third Reich". Excuse me if I dont find that extremely in poor taste.  no, that is too mild. I find that extremely racist and bigoted!  And there ...
May 11, 2005 by Dr Guy
The lead Paragraph says so much: American and Pakistani intelligence agents are exploiting a growing rift between Arab members of Al Qaeda and their Central Asian allies, a fissure that's tearing at the network of Islamic extremists as militants compete for scarce hideouts, weapons and financial resources, counterterrorism officials say. I know the first thing out of some mouths (fingers) will be "Those Eeeeevvviiiilll Americans!".  But that is only natural. Since the start of ...
May 11, 2005 by Dr Guy
Good news!  Great news!  Polution controls are working!  The world is saved and we dont have to worry about rising oceans and global warming! The birds are singing, the bees are buzzing, and Al gore is happy as a pig in poop! According to the Magazine: Reductions in industrial emissions in many countries, along with the use of particulate filters for car exhausts and smoke stacks, seem to have reduced the amount of dirt in the atmosphere and made the sky more transpare...
May 10, 2005 by Dr Guy
"Researcher: Ethical Journalists Not as Rare as Thought"--headline, Baton Rouge (La.) Advocate, May 4 Can we take them off the endagered species list now? "Judge Blocks Ex-Prober From Giving Oil-for-Food Docs to Congress" - Foxnews May 10, 2005 They had Proctologist on the Oil for food Panel? "State Dept. Won't Turn Over Bolton Docs" - Foxnews May 10, 2005 Doctors have rights too you know! "Being 'No. 3' in al-Qaida a Risky Job"--headline, Associated Press, May 5 Being ...
May 10, 2005 by Dr Guy
"Researcher: Ethical Journalists Not as Rare as Thought"--headline, Baton Rouge (La.) Advocate, May 4 Can we take them off the endagered species list now? "Judge Blocks Ex-Prober From Giving Oil-for-Food Docs to Congress" - Foxnews May 10, 2005 They had Proctologist on the Oil for food Panel? "State Dept. Won't Turn Over Bolton Docs" - Foxnews May 10, 2005 Doctors have rights too you know! "Being 'No. 3' in al-Qaida a Risky Job"--headline, Associated Press, May 5 Being ...
May 10, 2005 by Dr Guy
Maine has decided that it wants to be in  the Atlantic time zone.  An obscure time zone that contains Prince Edward Island, and little else.  One of the reaons given for the change are: On the plus side, Amtrak riders could leave Portland at 5:20 a.m. and arrive in Boston at 6:50 a.m., saving themselves an hour in the morning. "They would feel like they took the bullet train," Patricia Douglas, spokeswoman for the Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority in Portlan...