Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Gid and Mod, you need this
Published on May 1, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Hi, My name is Guy, and I am a points whore {Hi Guy}

I have sacraficed my content for points on my Blog {No way}

I have slavishly succumbed to sucking up to the populart sites! {Ghast}

I am a points whore {Amen brother!}

yes, I have succumbed to that evil addiction of points! {say it again!}

And I am ready to throw this demon off! {yea brother}

I have seen the depravation that becomes those so addicted! {Say it again, yea brother!}

And I am ashamed! {amen!}

I will not be a slave to a point whoring evil blood sucking beast again! {Amen!}

yea, tho I walk throug the valley of shadows, I will fear no evil! {Amen!}

For I am the baddest asshole there! {Gasp!}

hehehehehe!  Take that you slow points whores!

on May 02, 2005
I already started this group last October... but you are welcome to join

Support is there for you if you need it brother!
on May 02, 2005
Then again, I see you are already a member...
on May 02, 2005

Then again, I see you are already a member...

Yea, it just took me longer to admit my Addiction!