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They just lost a big one
Published on April 29, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

4 years ago Apple landed a huge (read $35 million) contract with a local school division under what looked like at the time (and still does 4 years later) shady dealings with a certain School Administrator and his cronies on the School board.

Now with a new Superintendent, a new School Board, and a lot of questions about the program itself, Apple lost out to Dell in a real competitive bid.  While the current contract is only for half the $35 million, the other half comes due next spring.  And for a company like Apple, that one contract is BIG.  So it is going to hurt.

This switch from Apple to Dell also demonstrates something that I have been saying for a while now.  Where once Apple clearly had the superior OS, Microsoft has been chipping away at it for years, and with the release of Windows XP, drew ahead (until OSX was released later that year).  Now it is pretty much neck and neck and the real deciding factor in a computer is not the OS, but in Price.  And Apple still cant learn that lesson.

Apple innovates, Dell imitates.  IN the end, I am buying Dell stock.  They are the Microsoft of hardware and have beaten every competitor year after year after year.  I dont hink they have superior products, just better marketing, selection, support and access (I am not talking about Bindhu Rasheesh either).

on Apr 29, 2005
Yikes. We mostly use Apple computers in our district. If another company would come along and take over, we'd basically have to start over and teach the kids Windows and Microsoft word (they are very accustomed to Appleworks). However, I do know that some secondary schools use programs other than Apple.
on Apr 29, 2005

Yikes. We mostly use Apple computers in our district. If another company would come along and take over, we'd basically have to teach the kids Windows and Microsoft word (they are very accustomed to Appleworks). However, I do know the some secondary schols use programs other than Apple.

Actually, Henrico used MS Word for Macs, so there will not be a big transition in that area.  And if you use both Windoze and Mac, you know that the transition, for educational purposes, is not that big.  I usually customize my Windows to be more Mac-ish anyway.

on Apr 29, 2005
Now it is pretty much neck and neck and the real deciding factor in a computer is not the OS, but in Price. And Apple still cant learn that lesson.

while i dont own stock in any of those companies, apple has been beaten (and badly) before. i still have my lisa. if nothing else, it reminds me that the apple is deeply rooted and as long as it keeps innovating i wouldnt bet against it.
on May 01, 2005
Apple has some big moves to make. Ipod helped allot and so has Mac Mini but there still is the problem of cost.

The question for Mac is:
Do they loose the smaller but willing to spend more enthusists of MAC (sor of like trying to stay in the luxury lane of sorts)
Do they create a sub division MAC and sell it for 300-400 WITH keyboard, mouse and display (most likely built out of house on Non-Mac interiors but can run MAC OS)

They seem to want to stay on high end, instead of doing what most other companies (from The GAP to Toyoda) and offer a lesser brand. Where is Apple's Toyoda? Mac is to Lexus as _______ is to Toyoda. Mac is to Infiniti as ________ is to Nissan. Mac is to Gap as _______ is to Old Navy.... and so on.

Apple stock is a buy for now, but not a hold. Dell is a hold.
on May 02, 2005
while i dont own stock in any of those companies, apple has been beaten (and badly) before. i still have my lisa. if nothing else, it reminds me that the apple is deeply rooted and as long as it keeps innovating i wouldnt bet against it.

YOu got a Lisa? WOW! That must be worth a fortune for collectors!

And I agree, Apple is not going to fold. But by the same token, they are not going to grow much. And their Stock is way over valued right now. If I had any, I would sell (I may in Mutual funds, I dont know what stock they buy).
on May 02, 2005
Do they create a sub division MAC and sell it for 300-400 WITH keyboard, mouse and display (most likely built out of house on Non-Mac interiors but can run MAC OS)

They already tried that when they licensed their OS for Clones. I still have a clone (Power Mac 180). They just forgot to port the stupid OS over to Intel. You go ahead and buy. I am dumping for now. They will be back.