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On Zell Miller being taken ill
Published on May 3, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

you hear that sound? thats the sound of the world's smallest violin playing one for the Zell 'The Psycho from Hell' Miller . . . I wouldn't give two shits for that feckless traitor to float on if he were drowning."--"NNguyenMD

"Old Zell is about to meet the real devil, up close" - David Dunham

First time I've seen a guy hospitalized...with the diagnosis, "Batshit Crazy" - Spiffarino

He was always mentally ill, physically doesn't really matter. - Catfight

Walk toward the Light, Zell, walk toward the light ... - The Stranger

Couldn't happen to a better guy!!! - Massachuttes

Guess GOD is vengeful....went after zell for helping the Antichrist - Raw Materials

I hope he dies in pain - dkofos

So much compassion from the Loony loopy luddite left.  Where will it all stop?


on May 03, 2005
Guess I'm not Loony or Loopy enough.... I never even heard of that guy....
on May 03, 2005
funny, only a few years ago he gave the keynote speech for clinton and was much beloved.
on May 03, 2005
To be fair, these nutjobs aren't accurately representative of the party as a whole. That's like saying the KKK or the Religious Right is an accurate representative of the Republican Party.

I personally am greatful for sites like DemUnderground... it gives the morons a place to gather and keeps them away from the rest of us.
on May 03, 2005

Guess I'm not Loony or Loopy enough.... I never even heard of that guy....

You would never be loony or loopy.  Just lefty!

on May 03, 2005

funny, only a few years ago he gave the keynote speech for clinton and was much beloved.

When John Warner gave Chuck Robb the other senate seat here in VA, you did not see the Republicans booting him or booing him for it!  It just boggles the mind that there is so much hatred out there, and they revel in it!

on May 03, 2005

To be fair, these nutjobs aren't accurately representative of the party as a whole. That's like saying the KKK or the Religious Right is an accurate representative of the Republican Party.

I personally am greatful for sites like DemUnderground... it gives the morons a place to gather and keeps them away from the rest of us.

You are correct about being representative.  And perhaps it is just my ignorance of what ever right wing nut job sites are out there (I dont know of any or, of course visit any).  But when the wife of the former VP candidate is a member?  They may be morons, but that does not speak very well for the democrats in general.

At least the republicans run away from their loonies.  They do not embrace them like Elizabeth edwards does.

on May 03, 2005
Just lefty!

and proud of it!
on May 03, 2005

Just lefty!

and proud of it!

Well since I am a righty, does that mean we make an ambidextrious?