This is for Jill User and Little Whip, who each in their own way asked a question about Catholics and the Pope. And for Manopeace and Moderateman, who of a different creed, paid the man the highest honor. First, it is not a sad day. Many are bereft, but anyone who understands the man, his religion and teachings is not sad for him. We rejoice that he is with God now. We are sad for the world as it has lost a great person, and even Jews and Muslims acknowledge his holiness.
Many people have opined of late on what the Catholic Church should or should not do about electing the next Pope. Some where Humorous (and yes, Fr. Guido Sarducci COULD be the next pope!), and others worrisome monologues on what may happen. And yet a final category went a bit too far (I think) in trying to DICTATE to the Church what "It had better do or else". I find the last to be extremely amusing as those generally come from: A - Non-Catholics how dont know squat; or B - Cathol...
Something that was said by a Jewish member of JU got me to thinking. Do Protestants recognize Saints? I know the Catholic Church has a very rigid (and some say too strict) process for recognizing a person who is a saint. And at one time, many years ago, there were no protestants, so I guess anyone recognized before the Reformation may still be considered a saint. Or are they? I am a cradle Catholic, who never really left the Church, but during my Youth, did dabble in Prot...
Cardinal Ratzinger - Benedict XVI It will be interesting to see how the talking heads treat the announcement.
I am putting this under religion because lately there has been a lot of misconceptions about Catholicism. Now I will be the first to say that I don't understand all other religions, but I am willing to and have learned from the believers of said religions. And when I am wrong, call me on it, although as I don't assume about other religions much, I don't guess I will get many calls. But lately, someone has decided Catholicism is a cult! And they listed reasons, 6 of 7 wrong! and...
There is a very real misconception about how the Pope is Infallible. Indeed, it is not only held by non-catholics, but many Catholics as well. But the truth is that the Pope can only be Infallible when certain conditions are met. And while the Church does not list how many times those conditions have been met, most theologians only agree on 2 instances. The first was in 1854 When Pope Pius IX came out with the Immaculate Conception of Mary (another misconception for a later ...
I recently came across a remark that accused Catholics of Worshiping the Statue of Mary. And before my brain engaged to stop my fingers from flying, I blasted that remark. And yes, I acted in haste and repent in leisure. So first, I would like to apologize to the target of my wrath. I should not have posted that reply. But it also gave me my third article in my series. Praying to statues. Or as some think, praying to someone other than God and Jesus. ...
One of our esteemed members decided to post an article concerning a religion where he stated: I should comment that I am pretty much against the Catholic Church Some of the reasons he stated are historical, if somewhat prejudicial, and are ones that the Church in the modern era has had to deal with in their quest to return to its roots - that of being a faith based, and not a political based organization. And some are an attempt to bestow upon an fallible organization a measure of ...