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Dr Guy's Articles » Page 86
September 2, 2005 by Dr Guy
Is not Hillary Clinton, much as she hates to hear that.  Nor was Hillary ever able to exert this much power, for as it was reported: Minutes after leaving President Omar el-Bashir's compound, Rice jabbed her finger at her top envoy in Khartoum. Get the Sudanese on the phone, now, and make them apologize, Rice said. They quickly did. Yes, Condi Rice can cow world leaders, without consulting or calling upon Bush first.  This very portrayal of her actions in Sudan show that al...
September 2, 2005 by Dr Guy
Many here and around the nation are screaming about price gouging by the oil companies.  Screaming.  And what else are they doing about it?  Nothing. Yet we seem to have selective amnesia when it comes to price gouging, or a double standard.  For while the oil companies are indeed making a lot of money on the run up of the price of oil and gas, it is not their fault.  It is our fault.  The supply of oil and gas has been cut by Katrina.  Before that the deman...
September 1, 2005 by Dr Guy
"Near the President's Ranch, Protests Expand in the Heat"--headline, Washington Post, Aug. 28 The Law of thermodynamics will not be denied! "Iranian Daredevil Dies in Motorcycle Stunt"--headline, Associated Press, Aug. 27 Must have been Ali Bin Evel "Airbus Superjumbo Maiden Flight in Germany Draws 150,000"--headline, Agence France-Presse, Aug. 27 Must be a real SUPERJUMBO Jet! "Franco Says His Faith Keeps Him Going Strong"--headline, Augusta (Ga.) Chronicle, Aug....
September 1, 2005 by Dr Guy
"Near the President's Ranch, Protests Expand in the Heat"--headline, Washington Post, Aug. 28 The Law of thermodynamics will not be denied! "Iranian Daredevil Dies in Motorcycle Stunt"--headline, Associated Press, Aug. 27 Must have been Ali Bin Evel "Airbus Superjumbo Maiden Flight in Germany Draws 150,000"--headline, Agence France-Presse, Aug. 27 Must be a real SUPERJUMBO Jet! "Franco Says His Faith Keeps Him Going Strong"--headline, Augusta (Ga.) Chronicle, Aug....
September 1, 2005 by Dr Guy
Since I am not one to sugarcoat a subject I will start by simply saying: Ms. Sheehan is a liberal nut case who needs to be put in her place. I know these are strong words to use against a "grieving mother", but the time for grief is over. Ms. Sheehan's own hateful words ended her grievance. . . . I think it is time for our gloves to come off. Many columnists around the country have "tip-toed" around the Sheehan controversy because they have respected the loss of her s...
September 1, 2005 by Dr Guy
Even as he stomps around trying to create a legacy that did not exist in his 8 years in office, his real legacy will not let him go.  Now, they are creating a Musical of his sexcapades!  And it has major backing. But like the Master Card commercials, this one just keeps getting better.  The "Actor" scheduled to play Bill:  Duke Lafoon!  WIth a name like that, this is probably the only leading role he will ever get. For those who just cant get enough of the cigar we...
August 31, 2005 by Dr Guy
Yes, the mean and nasty oil companies are defying the law of Supply and Demand (probably one of the few laws that cant be broken) and getting rich at our expense!  Never mind that my need is greater than your need, so I will pay a premium for my gas while you go begging (that could not possibly be my CHOICE!  It has to be price gouging!).  No, it is just those evil Bushies and their Oil cohorts extorting money from the peons of America! But what does America have more of than a...
August 31, 2005 by Dr Guy
I use to laugh about the life of a computer nerd.  No one (in the early days) wanted to invite us to parties as we were too nerdy.  And we talked about esoteric things that no one understood. But that has changed.  The change started in the 20th century and has only accelerated in the 21st century.  Now, we are revered like the doctors of the 19th century!  Miracle men!  And with the reveration, has come the penalty. We have all heard of the joke about the blo...
August 31, 2005 by Dr Guy
Well, Cindy Sheehan finally came clean and admitted that it was not the intention of the circus to see President Bush. "I look back on it, and I am very, very, very grateful he did not meet with me,because we have sparked and galvanized the peace movement," Sheehan told The Associated Press. "If he'd met with me, then I would have gone home, and it would have ended there." So apparently the purpose was not to see Bush, but to 'galvanize' a peace movement.  And of course allow her...
August 30, 2005 by Dr Guy
Katrina is not done yet, but she has done her worse (we are getting some mild affects of it, a nice breeze to take the edge of the high Humidity).  She is going to do some more damage, but hopefully not much more.  And the estimates are already as high as Andrew as far as Damage, and the Death toll a very conservative 80+ (since that is from just one county in Alabama).  An Old Timer said that Katrina was Worse than Camille.  And he is right.  it was much larger if n...
August 30, 2005 by Dr Guy
Apparently the Rosa Parks of Camp Casey cannot tolerate dissent by other Gold Star Moms.  In her own blog she writes:  I have been silent on the Gold Star Moms who still support this man and his war by saying that they deserve the right to their opinions because they are in as much pain as I am. I would challenge them, though, at this point to start thinking for themselves Apparently, any person who has suffered a loss and is not standing by her side cannot think for themsel...
August 29, 2005 by Dr Guy
Cindy Sheehan, the voice of the left, has now attacked hundreds if not thousands of additional supporters.  I am sure she is going to welcome them with open arms as it was her racist diatribe that inspired them.  Yep, the fleas of David Duke are now Solidly on Sheehan's side. "help put up a White Nationalist voice in the protest against Bush's War for Israel that was started by Cindy Sheehan." It would be funny, but not surprising, if Al Sharpton and these new Nazis ran int...
August 29, 2005 by Dr Guy
In what has got to be one of the stupidest and lamest lawsuits ever filed, the California AG is filing suit against fast food companies and snack companies claiming that they are violating a 1986 law that requires companies to warn about Cancer causing agents in Food. The Problem is, the 'suspected' cancer agent, Acrylamide, has not been proven to cause cancer of any type in humans, nor is it an additive to any food product!  It is a by product of cooking potatoes at high temperatures!&n...
August 29, 2005 by Dr Guy
Zobot was one of the fastest exploits of a microsoft hole yet created.  IN less than a week's time, these infantile idiots, Farid Essebar of Morocco, and Atilla Ekici of Turkey released what essential was an aggravation (the worm did not destroy data, just crashed servers).  I am glad these juvenile deliquents were grabbed so fast as these clowns must be stopped before someone tries to outdo them in the future and release a deadly worm just as fast. But I have to wonder ab...
August 29, 2005 by Dr Guy
While Bush, Congress, Fox and the Mexian equivalent of Congress Jump up and down, preen and pose for the cameras, Gov Bill Richardson of New Mexico and Gov. Jose Reyes Baeza  of Chihuahua are quietly going about the business of putting a dent in the illegal drug smuggling and immigration.  They are bull dozing a rat hole called Las Chepas that is used as a way station on the road to the USA. This is being done with little fan fare, and very little Press reporting (It does not bleed ...