In what has got to be one of the stupidest and lamest lawsuits ever filed, the California AG is filing suit against fast food companies and snack companies claiming that they are violating a 1986 law that requires companies to warn about Cancer causing agents in Food.
The Problem is, the 'suspected' cancer agent, Acrylamide, has not been proven to cause cancer of any type in humans, nor is it an additive to any food product! It is a by product of cooking potatoes at high temperatures! In other words, Mother nature put the stupid thing in there!
The few studies done are split on whether it is even a cancer causing agent in any animals, and none have been shown to cause cancer in Humans. The ones that have been shown to cause cancer would require a normal person to eat there weight in french fries for years to get even close to the doses give to the laboratory animals!
But in a case of total disregard for common sense, and a total slavish abeyance of stupidity, the California AG has decided that Mickey D's and BurrGurrr King are trying to poison us by letting us eat French Fries. I got news for that doofus in California. If some one is going to eat that many fries and chips, they are going to die from a lot of other things long before they kick the bucket on an imaginary cancer!
I wonder when someone is going to tell these Einsteins of stupidity that 70+ or - years of breathing nitrogen and oxygen is also fatal.