Katrina is not done yet, but she has done her worse (we are getting some mild affects of it, a nice breeze to take the edge of the high Humidity). She is going to do some more damage, but hopefully not much more. And the estimates are already as high as Andrew as far as Damage, and the Death toll a very conservative 80+ (since that is from just one county in Alabama).
An Old Timer said that Katrina was Worse than Camille. And he is right. it was much larger if not stronger, and thus affected a wider area of the US and more people. It was still a Hurricane as it was leaving Alabama, but has finally (finally?) been dropped down to a Tropical Depression. So the rest of the damage should be a lot of rain, minor (hopefully - we remember Gaston) flooding and some tornados.
The full extent of the damage will not be known for days. But a city of over a million is virtually uninhabitable, and other cities are little more than ghost towns. She was a nasty Bee-atch.
Tonight, I would suggest daying a prayer, or chant, sending vibes or good thoughts to the millions of our fellow countrymen, who in the words of an official in Alabama, just went through their Tsunami.
My family (cousins, Aunts Uncles) are there, and we have not heard from them since Saturday. I pray they and all the residents are safe. Property can be rebuilt. Lives cannot be relived.