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Sheehan Lied or is Lying
Published on August 31, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Well, Cindy Sheehan finally came clean and admitted that it was not the intention of the circus to see President Bush.

"I look back on it, and I am very, very, very grateful he did not meet with me,because we have sparked and galvanized the peace movement," Sheehan told The Associated Press. "If he'd met with me, then I would have gone home, and it would have ended there."

So apparently the purpose was not to see Bush, but to 'galvanize' a peace movement.  And of course allow her to erroneously compare herself to Rosa Parks.

In all honesty, I will say that this is not the real Cindy Sheehan talking, but the Handled one.  And in so admitting, I will also say that she has probably the worst handlers in the history of any politically staged event.  They not only cant control her mouth, they give her the wrong lines to speak. 

Only Sheeple will follow someone so crass and self serving that she disses other Gold Star Moms for not agreeing with her, makes statements out of the KKK playbook, and cant put together 2 coherent statements in a live interview.

Her original stated goal was an admirable one that many people gave her respect for.  Now that it has been shown to be a lie, and she herself just a willing puppet of the loonies on the left, the movement is just a hollow shell.

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on Aug 31, 2005
What you clearly read into this, and what Sheehan did not say was her intentions. What she did say is that she's glad that bush didn't meet with her, although it's pretty clear to most that was her initial intention. The fact that he refused has galvanized the antiwar movement, to which she admittedly is happy about. But, it was not her initial intention. Geez, guy. Get it right for once, huh?
on Aug 31, 2005

Only Sheeple will follow someone so crass and self serving that she disses other Gold Star Moms for not agreeing with her, makes statements out of the KKK playbook, and cant put together 2 coherent statements in a live interview.

They saw an opportunity in her and they're taking advantage of said opportunity.  That much becomes blantantly obvious when Ms Sheehan opens her mouth.....if they haven't given her a script or a guideline, she's lost. 

I keep telling myself that they can't stoop much lower.....but then they do.

on Aug 31, 2005
You will find that the movement is far from a hollow shell. It's as real as the movement that galvanized against the Vietnam war. So typical of conservative pundits is to just make it up, spin it along, regardless of the truth.
on Aug 31, 2005
Cindy is preaching to a small choir which, by objective measures, has not grown since her circus act opened. The media have jumped on it in hopes it would help them enlarge the choir, but it does not appear there is any serious "movement" anywhere. What movement there is is a top-down orchestrated political effort, not a grass-roots swell of support for Cindy's (MoveOn's) positions. The nostalgia of the left for the Vietnam era is palpable but wishing doesn't make something so.

on Aug 31, 2005
there is no nostalgia for the vietnam era. that's bullshit. What the problem is is that it's same shit, different day. A conservative president leading his sheeple into a quagmire of a war based on lies and deception. that's not nostalgia. It's criminally insane neocons looking to make profits and pay back their oil cronies. It's a conspiracy to "unite" the country with themselves, boost their support, and secure the mideast oil fields for themselves. It's backfiring miserably. They will go down, either damned by history, or held accountable via criminal proceedings. Either way, they are following the path of Nixon, and that's not nostalgia, unless it's the neocons who are practicing the nostalgia. History will surely prove who's right, but of course it's going to depend on what the neocons will allow into the history books. But that's a different story, though similar to the short shrift that they actually teach kids about vietnam.
on Aug 31, 2005

What you clearly read into this, and what Sheehan did not say was her intentions. What she did say is that she's glad that bush didn't meet with her, although it's pretty clear to most that was her initial intention. The fact that he refused has galvanized the antiwar movement, to which she admittedly is happy about. But, it was not her initial intention. Geez, guy. Get it right for once, huh?

If she is glad he did not, then that goes to her intentions.  She may have started out wantting to, but it is clear she did not want to meet with him once the loony handlers got a hold of her.  Why dont you READ what she says and stop trying to think you know what she was thinking.

on Aug 31, 2005

I keep telling myself that they can't stoop much lower.....but then they do.

Never underestimate how low they can go!  I expect we will see it go lower in the near future.

on Aug 31, 2005

You will find that the movement is far from a hollow shell. It's as real as the movement that galvanized against the Vietnam war. So typical of conservative pundits is to just make it up, spin it along, regardless of the truth.

The truth is she has changed few minds for her cause because of the the loony handlers.  But she has galvanized the opposition to her cause where as before, they were not a unified force.  They are becoming one now.

on Aug 31, 2005

Cindy is preaching to a small choir which, by objective measures, has not grown since her circus act opened

Exactly!  An eye witness to the whole sordid mess, said that every time the cameras started rolling a 'director' would tell the 'hired hands' where to be and where to move so it appeared to be a large crowd when in fact there never was that many people there.

on Aug 31, 2005

there is no nostalgia for the vietnam era. that's bullshit.

Yes there is, and you can see it in the signs and the mantras of the loony left.  And now even in their harrassment of the disabled vets at Walter Reed.  They really have no shame, and like the 60s, they are now going after the soldiers.  It is only a matter of time, but this time, they have no wide spread support from even the ones that opposed the war going in.  There is no purpose in their cause other than to cheapen the lives of the dead and 25 million Iraqis.  But that does not make a good campaign slogan (Iraqis are lower than cattle - the only good soldier is a dead soldier) now do they?

on Aug 31, 2005
A conservative president leading his sheeple into a quagmire of a war based on lies and deception.

For the last time dabe. There is no proof of any lies, and Iraq is not a quagmire.

It's criminally insane neocons looking to make profits and pay back their oil cronies. It's a conspiracy to "unite" the country with themselves, boost their support, and secure the mideast oil fields for themselves. It's backfiring miserably.

You are just insane.
on Aug 31, 2005
You are just insane.

Proof. I want proof. Not some speculation based on opinions. But, pure proof. After all, that's what you always seem to want. Yet, you post all kinds of crap without any proof at all. If you're going to call me insane, you better have proof. Not opinions. And certainly not your opinion, which is meaningless garbage, in my opinion.
on Aug 31, 2005
Proof. I want proof. Not some speculation based on opinions. But, pure proof. After all, that's what you always seem to want. Yet, you post all kinds of crap without any proof at all. If you're going to call me insane, you better have proof. Not opinions. And certainly not your opinion, which is meaningless garbage, in my opinion.

Your quote is proof enough dabe. You believe in some grand conspiracy for oil. If you believe that than you have to be insane.
on Aug 31, 2005

You are just insane.

You just realized that?

on Aug 31, 2005

If you're going to call me insane, you better have proof. Not opinions.

Careful what you wish for.

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