While Bush, Congress, Fox and the Mexian equivalent of Congress Jump up and down, preen and pose for the cameras, Gov Bill Richardson of New Mexico and Gov. Jose Reyes Baeza of Chihuahua are quietly going about the business of putting a dent in the illegal drug smuggling and immigration. They are bull dozing a rat hole called Las Chepas that is used as a way station on the road to the USA.
This is being done with little fan fare, and very little Press reporting (It does not bleed so it does not lead). But there is a lot of good news in this little story. FOr it shows that while world leaders have to remain Politically correct and talk about hte nobler (if irrelevant) aspects of illegal immigration and drug smuggling, Other Political leaders can quietly go about doing the right thing for the right reason, PC be damned.
Perhaps the Governors of texas, Arizona and California can work similar deals with their counterparts in Mexico, and at least start to make a dent in what is clearly an out of control situation. For these governors, with the exception of Schwartzenegger, dont have to appease to the elite PC crowd that looks down on their nose at any attempted solutions to a problem as being either non-PC, or just plain wrong since they did not come up with the solution. And even in The People's Republic of California, those nabobs of negativism are grossly outnumbered by frustrated tax payers.