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You are not thinking for Yourself
Published on August 30, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Apparently the Rosa Parks of Camp Casey cannot tolerate dissent by other Gold Star Moms.  In her own blog she writes:

 I have been silent on the Gold Star Moms who still support this man and his war by saying that they deserve the right to their opinions because they are in as much pain as I am. I would challenge them, though, at this point to start thinking for themselves

Apparently, any person who has suffered a loss and is not standing by her side cannot think for themselves.  Apparently, she has received a mandate from God to:

become the 'Rosa Parks of the Peace Movement.'

as if the Soldiers fighting and dying for her right to self delusions are somehow second class citizens that must sit at the back of the bus.

She is right about one thing, she is really not up to this job as she is cracking up.  This latest diatribe shows a petulant person who when confronted with opposition to their position, instead of arguing with it, demeans the holder of said opposing viewpoints.

At the Beginning she was a lonely soul looking for a special privilege.  By the midpoint she was just a pawn of the loony left leadership.  And now at the end, she is merely a blubbering idiot who has cracked under the stress imposed upon her by her handlers.

I doubt anyone is wondering why her family is disowning her now,

on Aug 30, 2005
Apparently the Rosa Parks of Camp Casey cannot tolerate dissent by other Gold Star Moms.

Rosa Parks led a noble battle for the good of her people. Her name will go down in history as one of the greatest Americans ever to live.
Cindy Sheehan is nothing like her, her 'cause' is nothing like hers, and the reference to Rosa Parks is insulting to all progressive minded people... loony lefties excluded.
on Aug 30, 2005

Cindy Sheehan is nothing like her, her 'cause' is nothing like hers, and the reference to Rosa Parks is insulting to all progressive minded people... loony lefties excluded.

That is why I truly beleive she is getting a messianic complex and has gone beyond losing it, to lost it.

on Aug 30, 2005

She wants to challenge Gabby Solorio, she is going to have to do more that vomit the words of Anti American groups doing it!!

Why does she beg for respect when all she does is show how little she deserves it?
on Aug 30, 2005

She wants to challenge Gabby Solorio, she is going to have to do more that vomit the words of Anti American groups doing it!!

She will never speak as well or eloquently as Gabby Solorio.

on Aug 30, 2005
take a ride through vacaville and see all the "you do not speak for me cindy sheehan" signs.
on Aug 30, 2005

take a ride through vacaville and see all the "you do not speak for me cindy sheehan" signs.

Cindy should, altho I dont think it would do her any good in her current dillusional state.

on Aug 30, 2005
'If you disagree with me, you are not thinking for yourself'?
George Orwell would be proud of your doublespeak, Dr. Guy!
on Aug 30, 2005

'If you disagree with me, you are not thinking for yourself'?
George Orwell would be proud of your doublespeak, Dr. Guy!

DID you read the blog?  That is almost a direct Quote from her.  I am ashamed you would attribute it to me.

on Aug 31, 2005
'DID you read the blog? That is almost a direct Quote from her. I am ashamed you would attribute it to me.'
'almost'! That's a major stretch. And I attribute it to you because you used it in your headline.
on Aug 31, 2005
almost a direct Quote

an 'almost direct quote' is one of drguy's rhetorical inventions...very similar to the 'anticipated paraphrase'.

i don't see what the big deal is tho. according to the good dr, mm, da dog and a number of others, everybody BUT them has been misled, duped, scammed or is incapable of thinking for themselves.
on Aug 31, 2005

'DID you read the blog? That is almost a direct Quote from her. I am ashamed you would attribute it to me.'
'almost'! That's a major stretch. And I attribute it to you because you used it in your headline.

Read it again:  Or do you need it in French?

I have been silent on the Gold Star Moms who still support this man and his war by saying that they deserve the right to their opinions because they are in as much pain as I am. I would challenge them, though, at this point to start thinking for themselves

on Aug 31, 2005

i don't see what the big deal is tho. according to the good dr, mm, da dog and a number of others, everybody BUT them has been misled, duped, scammed or is incapable of thinking for themselves.

Please oh dear wise oracle, show me where I have ever said that?  Did I say she has been?  Yes.  SHow me where I said the rest of her contigent had been, or even any of the clowns around the country doing Candlelight vigils for her.  Please link to it.  I am dying to see this allegation of yours borne out.

on Aug 31, 2005
too bad we can't run a search here for your articles with titles containing the words 'the left'.

each one is a shining example of 'if you disagree with me, it's because you're incapable of rational thought, you've fallen in with bad company and read their literature, you're a dupe of the msm, etc.'.
on Sep 01, 2005

too bad we can't run a search here for your articles with titles containing the words 'the left'.

each one is a shining example of 'if you disagree with me, it's because you're incapable of rational thought, you've fallen in with bad company and read their literature, you're a dupe of the msm, etc.'.

Actually,  your wish is granted.  The Search engine is called Google.  Just ask Brad about it, I am sure he can 'splain it to you lucy'.