Apparently the Rosa Parks of Camp Casey cannot tolerate dissent by other Gold Star Moms. In her own blog she writes:
I have been silent on the Gold Star Moms who still support this man and his war by saying that they deserve the right to their opinions because they are in as much pain as I am. I would challenge them, though, at this point to start thinking for themselves
Apparently, any person who has suffered a loss and is not standing by her side cannot think for themselves. Apparently, she has received a mandate from God to:
become the 'Rosa Parks of the Peace Movement.'
as if the Soldiers fighting and dying for her right to self delusions are somehow second class citizens that must sit at the back of the bus.
She is right about one thing, she is really not up to this job as she is cracking up. This latest diatribe shows a petulant person who when confronted with opposition to their position, instead of arguing with it, demeans the holder of said opposing viewpoints.
At the Beginning she was a lonely soul looking for a special privilege. By the midpoint she was just a pawn of the loony left leadership. And now at the end, she is merely a blubbering idiot who has cracked under the stress imposed upon her by her handlers.
I doubt anyone is wondering why her family is disowning her now,