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"Cindy Sheehan is a liberal nut case....."
Published on September 1, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Since I am not one to sugarcoat a subject I will start by simply saying: Ms. Sheehan is a liberal nut case who needs to be put in her place.

I know these are strong words to use against a "grieving mother", but the time for grief is over. Ms. Sheehan's own hateful words ended her grievance. . . .

I think it is time for our gloves to come off. Many columnists around the country have "tip-toed" around the Sheehan controversy because they have respected the loss of her son. But now Ms. Sheehan is showing her true colors: Liberal activist, not loving mother. I think it is time to fight back. . . .

Appeasers are directly responsible for the death of Ms. Sheehan's son, not George W. Bush. If the whole country was united for the war in Iraq, I doubt if the terrorists would have started their suicide bombing campaign.

Using this logic Ms. Sheehan has become the biggest terrorist in the world, not George W. Bush as she so eloquently stated. . . .

One other point: Every time Ms. Sheehan opens her mouth in protest she is dragging the legacy of her son through liberal muck. Her son was a hero who volunteered to serve his county and died protecting the constitution. Now his mother has become a traitor who is using the war on terror to wage a war against a president whom she does not like.

Before googling it, guess just for the fun of it.

on Sep 01, 2005
Yeah... that was my guess... LOL
on Sep 06, 2005

Yeah... that was my guess...

I guess it was too blatant, so it had to be the last suspect.