Cindy Sheehan, the voice of the left, has now attacked hundreds if not thousands of additional supporters. I am sure she is going to welcome them with open arms as it was her racist diatribe that inspired them. Yep, the fleas of David Duke are now Solidly on Sheehan's side.
"help put up a White Nationalist voice in the protest against Bush's War for Israel that was started by Cindy Sheehan."
It would be funny, but not surprising, if Al Sharpton and these new Nazis ran into each other. How about Shirley Jackson Lee (Will the Mars Rover see the Flags that the Appolo Crews Planted on Mars?) or Maxine Waters?
Politics do indeed make strange bedfellows. Who would have thought that white racists would be in bed with black leaders.
OOps! I forgot about Sheets Byrd.