First we had Elizabeth Edwards posting and thanking the kooks on Now Sheets Byrd, in a solid red state is so worried about re-election (he should be more worried about senility), that is is advertising on the ! For those not in the know, this site is just as far left, perhaps more so, than The link will take you to an article where they call Dean centrist, and decry the DLC! Now a lot of people like dean, but I dare any but the LLL left to call...
I heard a radio host - local, decrying that what Chuck Schumer is doing is clearly against the constitution. Here is the case. The founders in erecting a wall between religion and the state (no establishment of religion, not a ban on religion - so dont argue what is not in the constitution), did not want anyone, based upon their religion, to be denied a job, life, liberty or whatever based upon their religious beleifs. At the time, this was meant to protect the Catholics as t...
Sean Hannity (Boo hissss - Down kingbee!) recently played a tape of the confirmation hearings for Justice Roberts back in 2003. In it, Chucky Schumer was up to his same old shenanigans and was asking some real stupid questions (even the MSM did not defend him this time). Orin Hatch called him on it. " Some [of Schumer’s questions] I totally disagree with. Some I think are dumbass questions, between you and me." "I am not kidding you," Hatch continued. "I mean, as mu...
A question raised on shadowars blog got me to thinking. Now I know I can google it and wade through a gazillion hits to find the answers, but I have a question for everyone. EVERYONE! There is no right or wrong answers, but I do ask (note: not demand) that links be provided. During Clintons 8 years in the presidency, were the officials of the Bush 41 administration out on the news shows, and newspapers, criticizing every step the Clintons did? Please dont quote Limbaugh.&nbs...
Before the Teleprompter had finished spitting its lines across its screen Tuesday Night, Democrat reaction was swift, and for the most part muted. One exception was little Chucky Schumer who was going to take his ball and go home if the Nominee for SCOTUS did not answer all questions fully (what is the Atomic Weight of Anhydrous Di-Oxide Mr. Roberts!). But he is rapidly being marginalized as a screamer who playing second fiddle to his states Jr Senator. The other scream of outrage...
I know we have some far left people here at JU, but with very few exceptions, none like There, the loony loopy Luddite left really shows its stuff. For the most part, the liberals at JU poo-pooed these wackos at as being definitely out of the mainstream. And for the most part, conservatives clucked clucked, shook their heads and agreed with the liberals on that assessment. But new evidence appears to put that belief to rest. We know that...
Here are some statements from Chuck Schumer on the Bush Judicial nominees, and the reality behind his statements. You read them, and you decide. SCHUMER: "They [Republicans] did filibuster judges, by the way. Paez, Berzon were filibustered in 1999 and 2000." By definition, a filibuster occurs when a vote of cloture fails, not when it succeeds and a final vote occurs. In the cases of Paez and Berzon, the majority Republicans led by Chairman Orrin Hatch and Majority Leader Trent ...
Seems the truth is the sun for Liberals as even Lionel is backing away from Rove! Troops! Display your crosses! The vampires are in retreat!
Like the lynch mobs of old, the lynchee was often innocent (see Hang em High). And nothing has changed today. IN their effort to lynch Karl Rove, the democrats have thrown logic, reason, and evidence to the 4 winds. They care nothing for the guilt or innocent of anyone in this case, and instead just want their pound of flesh. According to the lead prosecutor (those pesky facts you know): Plamegate special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald had told top White House adviser Ka...
I read an article today where a member of the left side of the spectrum was trying to explain why we should be more tolerant of the terrorist. Now I know that many people got upset when Karl Rove made the statements he did, and some perhaps rightfully so. But this Article was trying to attach blame to all the victims of terrorism by quoting a recent history of the Middle east. The problem is, he shot at the broad side of a barn and missed totally. The suggestion of that article...
Like lays potato chips, the loony left leadership (Note to Lefties at JU: That was a qualifier)just cant stop being loony! In the latest demonstration on how not to win friends and influence non-loony loopy luddite lefties, Hillary Clinton blasted Bush and compared him to Alfred E. Newman. Now I for one grew up on Mad magazine, and their Spy v SPy and movie parodies are some fo the greatest fiction I have ever read and laughed at. INdeed, I like Alfred E. Newman. But I would...
September 11 changed a lot, but other things have changed: Globalization, technology, a smaller planet, the difficulties of radical fundamentalism, the crosscurrents of religion and politics. We are living in an age where the dangers are different and they require a different response, different thinking, and different approaches than we have applied in the past. . . . A brutal, oppressive dictator, guilty of personally murdering and condoning murder and torture, grotesqu...
The latest insightful comments from Hanoi John: Costas: If you had been elected president last November, by this point what would President John Kerry have done in Iraq? Kerry: Well, I laid out--you know, I don't want to get in--I mean, I think that's not quite the way to go at it. As Chevy Chase said, Good answer, Way to be decisive! Nail those answers. yea that is what it is! And People voted for him? That is the way he really is!
Iran has been an anathema to the western world since Jimmy "Lust in my heart" Carter sold the Shaw down the proverbial river. Instead of easing him out with a gradual transition to a secular democracy, he dumped him on his ass. The latest president is somewhat suspect. is he a Terrorist? Or not. Well, one person thinks he is: "As soon as I saw his picture in the paper, I knew that was the bastard," said retired Army Col. Charles Scott, 73, a former hostage who liv...
The Day before terrorists slammed London, Barbara "Nothing is too stupid to say" Boxer made a speech lashing out on the war on Terror. "The insurgents are winning the propaganda wars now,'' she said. "Terrorism is a result of this war,'' No, the insurgents are not. They are winning the press war. And I think 9-11 showed that Terrorism is not the result of the war, it is the reason for the war! I sometimes wonder how people so stupid can continue to get elected.&nbs...