Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
And it shows how the liberal leadership has embraced the kooks
Published on August 2, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

First we had Elizabeth Edwards posting and thanking the kooks on  Now Sheets Byrd, in a solid red state is so worried about re-election (he should be more worried about senility), that is is advertising on the!

For those not in the know, this site is just as far left, perhaps more so, than  The link will take you to an article where they call Dean centrist, and decry the DLC!

Now a lot of people like dean, but I dare any but the LLL left to call him centrist!  He may be sincere, he may be honest, he is definitely stupid!  But Centrist?  If he is Centrist, Castro is a freaking conservative!

And Sheets Byrd is embracing these clowns?  I Guess he is not only senile, but color blind as well!

Bye bye, Mr Klan in the sky.  Rode my chevy to the levy and watched Wheeling die.

on Aug 02, 2005
maybe the Daily Kos will start taking ads from the KKK.  They have the same agenda.