Before the Teleprompter had finished spitting its lines across its screen Tuesday Night, Democrat reaction was swift, and for the most part muted. One exception was little Chucky Schumer who was going to take his ball and go home if the Nominee for SCOTUS did not answer all questions fully (what is the Atomic Weight of Anhydrous Di-Oxide Mr. Roberts!). But he is rapidly being marginalized as a screamer who playing second fiddle to his states Jr Senator.
The other scream of outrage came from the left coast where Barbara "I have no Brain, but I can talk" Boxer stated that the nomination of John Roberts could very well be a case of 'extraordinary circumstances'. Now why is that phrase so special?
For the Goldfield Syndrome sufferers, that is the out the gang of 14 has for filibustering a Judical nominee and Boxer has already stated that the filibuster was back on the table! Yep, the women with a brain denser than a summer breeze has decided it is filiibustering time!
Without a single hearing being held. Pathetic really.
But oh, did someone forget to tell the bozo of boxers that she is not a member of the gang of 14? Hey stupid! It is not your call! But should your brethren try a filibuster, dont be surprised if the republicans put the nuclear option back on the table!
God, when you thought you had seen the stupidest things come out of the mouth of a senator, she just keeps topping her own stupidity!
Sorry California, but an amoeba would have been a better choice for senator. You screwed up big time.