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Hanging an Innocent Victim
Published on July 13, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

Like the lynch mobs of old, the lynchee was often innocent (see Hang em High).  And nothing has changed today.  IN their effort to lynch Karl Rove, the democrats have thrown logic, reason, and evidence to the 4 winds.  They care nothing for the guilt or innocent of anyone in this case, and instead just want their pound of flesh.

According to the lead prosecutor (those pesky facts you know):

Plamegate special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald had told top White House adviser Karl Rove that he's not a target of his investigation into who leaked the identity of CIA analyst Valerie Plame to columnist Robert Novak.

He has also put a gag order on Rove, so while there is no gag order (altho a lot of gagging) on the democrats, they can continue to lie and obfuscate and twist and torture their arch nemesis.  The man that beats them fairly every time they face him:

And Fitzgerald has also asked the top Bush aide not to discuss the case in public.
Speaking to National Review Online's Byron York late Tuesday, Rove attorney Robert Luskin said Fitzgerald "has told Rove he is not a 'target' of the investigation" - despite media reports suggesting otherwise.

So let the left dance their hedonistic dance around their pyre of Rove.  They care not for facts, guilt or innocence, just that someone hangs for a crime not committed.

on Jul 13, 2005
Note for the media biased:  Before condemning the Source, Google the story.
on Jul 13, 2005
Like I said before. The democratic party is imploding right before us. This whole story should barely make the front page, but the democrats and their media allies are working their hardest.

Let's remember again. Democrats demand justice for terrorists who are trying to kill us. Even though terrorists are caught on the battlefield trying to kill our troops, and planning more attacks on the U.S., the democrats want thorough proof of their guilt and demand terrorists be treated with respect.

Now when it comes to Karl Rove the democrats don't care about proof or justice. They have already tried and convicted him, all for their political gain.

So let's go over this. Democrats demand more rights for terrorists than they do their fellow American. What does that tell you about their party?
on Jul 13, 2005
So let's go over this. Democrats demand more rights for terrorists than they do their fellow American. What does that tell you about their party?

I ran side to side quotes on Dean and what he said about Bin Laden (Inocent until proven Guilty) and Delay (he is a thief and a crook). I guess when the leader of the democrat party will not give Americans at least the rights he demands we give terrorists, should we expect any less from his minions?
on Jul 13, 2005
I think this witch hunt is ridiculous... but that said, if Rove ends up being the source I think he should be nailed to the wall as hard as anyone else in the same situation. Do the crime, do the time. However that doesn't excuse this feeding frenzy. Sharks when there's blood in the water are calmer than this.
on Jul 13, 2005

Do the crime, do the time. However that doesn't excuse this feeding frenzy. Sharks when there's blood in the water are calmer than this.

You are just trying to get on my good side!

on Jul 13, 2005
What does that tell you about their party?

What party? It has been bought and paid for by Man, it's just another corporate take over. They are just waiting for the sign makers to take down the DNC and replace it with Moveon signs.

Doesn’t "The Move On Party" (MOP) sound good? I wonder if there will keep the JackA** as their party logo?

But, just to be fair here; I am also wondering when the RNC will be changing it's logo from the Elephant to the Jesus Elephant.
on Jul 14, 2005

But, just to be fair here; I am also wondering when the RNC will be changing it's logo from the Elephant to the Jesus Elephant.

Not until they let the loonies of the right start running things.