I heard a radio host - local, decrying that what Chuck Schumer is doing is clearly against the constitution. Here is the case.
The founders in erecting a wall between religion and the state (no establishment of religion, not a ban on religion - so dont argue what is not in the constitution), did not want anyone, based upon their religion, to be denied a job, life, liberty or whatever based upon their religious beleifs. At the time, this was meant to protect the Catholics as they were (and are) a minority.
Chuck Schumer, by virtue of John Roberts Catholicism, is asking him to renounce said beliefs in order to be confirmed. John Roberts is not like kerry and Kennedy (a Chino as you will). He is a practicing and religous Catholic. But he is also a Judge who has taken an oath to uphold the law as it is written, even when it conflicts with his personal beliefs. That is all we can really ask of a Jurist. We cannot change their beliefs and I hope we never do. But as long as they promise to uphold the law, regardless of their beliefs as JFK did, we should not demand more.
yet what Chuck Schumer is demanding is that John Roberts denounce his beleifs in order to get appointed. And that is clearly against the Constitution. I dont want this to be a case before the Supreme court as it would take too long, and I sincerely doubt even the most liberal members of the court (Buzzy, a jew, and Breyer an idiot) would vote for Schumer. So why is he trying this?
My only answer is because he can. he knows it will not go to the SCOTUS. So that emboldens him. And it is sad in a way. For a member of a very persecuted religion to now use a religious test for a job is not only sad, it is a sell out. I guess Schumer is a Geno (spelled JINO). He is not a mensch, he is a pathetic little man with no moral compasss other than a finger in the wind. And he is antithetical to America and the US Constitution.
Like Boxer on the left coast, Schumer is the Scarecrow. no brain, just a sheet (as in Sheets byrd) to read from. Sad ending for what could have been a model for others to follow. Alas some will. There are many brain dead people around due to circumventing Darwin and the nanny laws.