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Not all Republicans are spineless mealy mouths
Published on July 28, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

Sean Hannity (Boo hissss - Down kingbee!) recently played a tape of the confirmation hearings for Justice  Roberts back in 2003.  In it, Chucky Schumer was up to his same old shenanigans and was asking some real stupid questions (even the MSM did not defend him this time).  Orin Hatch called him on it.

"Some [of Schumer’s questions] I totally disagree with. Some I think are dumbass questions, between you and me."  "I am not kidding you," Hatch continued. "I mean, as much as I love and respect [Schumer], I just think that’s true."

As most know, using such language in the senate is very scandalous, so Chucky Schumer asked if Orin Hatch wanted to retract his statements.  Orin Replied:

"No, I am going to keep it exactly the way it is. I mean, I hate to say it. I mean, I feel badly saying it between you and me. But I do know dumbass questions when I see dumbass questions."

The man does have a flair for words.  And for those wondering on the intelligence of Chucky Schumer, now you know.  Expect more dumbass when the hearings begin on John Roberts next month.

on Jul 28, 2005
Orrin Hatch is a slimeball. If you lived in his state you might know this. Didn't you spend some time out here Guy? He's a tool of the LDS Church and the Marriott Corporation.

Here's an example

His company Nature's Sunshine, was at one time one of the largest suppliers of GHB. The date rape drug.

Here's another...

If he is so moral, why does he stand idlily by while his master Bill Marriott makes millions off of pay per view porn in his hotels?
on Jul 28, 2005

Orrin Hatch is a slimeball. If you lived in his state you might know this. Didn't you spend some time out here Guy? He's a tool of the LDS Church and the Marriott Corporation.

Yea, about 22 years ago!  Not like I have been back lately (altho I would not mind going  it is a pretty state).

As for him being a slime ball, I defer to you.  He is yours after all.  But even Slime balls can be right some of the time (after all a broken clock is right twice a day).

on Jul 28, 2005
I fortold that the left would be shitheads about this thing with Judge Roberts, anyone slightly right of hanoijohn kerry is not going to have a smooth time of it, after all how else can the left stay in the news if not for bitching and whining and obstructing?
on Jul 28, 2005
Personally, i have no beef with Judge Roberts. As far as conservative judges go, i've seen worse. Robert Bork comes to mind....

You're right Guy. I think of him as a broken clock... ::
on Jul 28, 2005

fortold that the left would be shitheads about this thing with Judge Roberts, anyone slightly right of hanoijohn kerry is not going to have a smooth time of it, after all how else can the left stay in the news if not for bitching and whining and obstructing?

I am going to be watching Chucky Cheese very closely in the hearings!

on Jul 28, 2005

You're right Guy. I think of him as a broken clock... :

Come to think of it, I think the time of that hearing was 6:30..........

on Jul 28, 2005
Scandalous or not, I'm surprised more people hasn't spoken up over the use of "dumbass questions". Despite whatever you think of Orin Hatch (and I'm no fan) at least he said something that needed to be said. Shouldn't that be the case more often than not? And I don't mean Republicans calling Democrats dumbasses or vice versa. It would just be nice if someone in a particular party took another in his or her own party to task for wasting time with useless questions. And not only useless questions but how about crazy statements that are made to the press? Not only do their statements convince people they are a "dumbass" they also hurt their own party.

I, too, have no beef with Judge Roberts. I do however think we are going to see "dumbass questions" during his confirmation hearings.

On a unrelated item, Doc .. one of the funniest lines I heard on the night Bush nominated Roberts was from The Daily Show. It went like this: "... where Republicians were delighted in Bush's pick, the Democrats have been pissed about it for weeks."
on Jul 28, 2005
Scandalous or not, I'm surprised more people hasn't spoken up over the use of "dumbass questions". Despite whatever you think of Orin Hatch (and I'm no fan) at least he said something that needed to be said. Shouldn't that be the case more often than not? And I don't mean Republicans calling Democrats dumbasses or vice versa. It would just be nice if someone in a particular party took another in his or her own party to task for wasting time with useless questions

Simple answer? Because they are the select 100, never to be questioned. They must be adored for they are the select.

So when they do ask dumbass questions, their sycophants in the MSM bow down and pay homage.

Unfortunately, MSM is no longer the only outlet and the rest of us call them dumbasses!
on Jul 28, 2005
On a unrelated item, Doc .. one of the funniest lines I heard on the night Bush nominated Roberts was from The Daily Show. It went like this: "... where Republicians were delighted in Bush's pick, the Democrats have been pissed about it for weeks."

Jon Stewart may be a democrat, but he speaks a lot of truth! LOL