Sean Hannity (Boo hissss - Down kingbee!) recently played a tape of the confirmation hearings for Justice Roberts back in 2003. In it, Chucky Schumer was up to his same old shenanigans and was asking some real stupid questions (even the MSM did not defend him this time). Orin Hatch called him on it.
"Some [of Schumer’s questions] I totally disagree with. Some I think are dumbass questions, between you and me." "I am not kidding you," Hatch continued. "I mean, as much as I love and respect [Schumer], I just think that’s true."
As most know, using such language in the senate is very scandalous, so Chucky Schumer asked if Orin Hatch wanted to retract his statements. Orin Replied:
"No, I am going to keep it exactly the way it is. I mean, I hate to say it. I mean, I feel badly saying it between you and me. But I do know dumbass questions when I see dumbass questions."
The man does have a flair for words. And for those wondering on the intelligence of Chucky Schumer, now you know. Expect more dumbass when the hearings begin on John Roberts next month.