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Dr Guy's Articles In Politics » Page 18
June 8, 2005 by Dr Guy
IN a complete reversal of their scurrilous comparison of Gitmo to a soviet Gulag, William Schultz, the leader in America of AI, stated the following: "Clearly, this is not an exact or a literal analogy," said William Schulz. "In size and in duration, there are not similarities between U.S. detention facilities and the gulag. . . . People are not being starved in those facilities. They're not being subjected to forced labor." Clearly the words "we were wrong" is beyond their ...
June 7, 2005 by Dr Guy
In an interview with the Rolling Stone (another right wing rag I am sure), Harry Reid is quaoted as saying the following: Rolling Stone: You've called [President] Bush a loser. Reid: And a liar. Rolling Stone: You apologized for the loser comment. Reid: But never for the liar, have I No Harry you have not.  Nor provided any proof for your libelous statement.  But then as a democrat leader, the MSM is not going to question you on that now are they. But I wo...
June 3, 2005 by Dr Guy
I found the following to be very educational as I did not know Felt's political persuasion until now: Felt himself turns out to have been both a hero of an earlier war on terrorism and a victim of the criminalization of policy differences. During the Carter administration, as O'Connor notes, Felt, who by then had left the FBI, "was indicted on charges of having authorized illegal F.B.I. break-ins earlier in the decade, in which agents without warrants entered the residences of associates an...
June 3, 2005 by Dr Guy
Recently, there has been some discussion on what John Fitzgerald Kennedy would say on today's political situation.  Due to his assassination, in many circles he has assumed a mythical stature, that may or may not have held up under closer scutiny if he had not been killed.  So on the anniversary of his 88 birthday (close enough), I present some Kennedy Quotes.  Your job, Mr. Phelps, should you choose to accept it, is to see if they sound like you, or like your opposition: We ...
June 1, 2005 by Dr Guy
Yes, Zogby, no member of the VRWC, has published a poll that shows that at 52-40%, when the FACTS are explained to them , the American Public supports Bush's Social Security plan.  According to Zogby: "The thing that is compelling in this poll is that this is the response you get when you use a positive approach on Social Security reform," This simple statement does 2 things.  It lays bare the lie of the left that the plan is not supported, and it lays bare the lies of the...
May 31, 2005 by Dr Guy
It seems that CNN is claiming that W. Mark Felt, now 91, but before a very high ranking FBI official, is Deep Throat. It is all well and good, but kind of anticlimatic for those of use who lived through the years of intigue and betrayal.  And the hypothesizing was so much fun.  Now some one has stepped forward and basically said "I killed Cock Robin". Oh, well, there is always the Grassy knoll still hanging out there!
May 31, 2005 by Dr Guy
Now, in what can only be called a comedic opera, Physicians in England, where there is one of the strictest gun control laws on this planet, are calling for the banning of knives!  Yep, no more apple paring or steak eating.  The English want to ban knives. A team from West Middlesex University Hospital said violent crime is on the increase--and kitchen knives are used in as many as half of all stabbings. They argued many assaults are committed impulsively, prompted by alcohol...
May 29, 2005 by Dr Guy
Yes, so the argument goes.  Some do not believe that a fetus (zygote/embryo) is a person.  Some do not. In the end, this is not about those difference.  this is about LIFE. Ok, so how many of you would sacrafice your child to prolong your life? Show of hands please. Ok, so how many of you would sacrafice my child's life to prolong your life? Show of hands again. So who wants my body? That is what we are talking about.  I will not debate whether you are ri...
May 29, 2005 by Dr Guy
I have seen the statements and diatribes and blogs on Multi culterism,  and all are fine and ok. But I live it!  Every day!  My neighborhood has a muslim family, some blacks, a retired wasp, a Redneck one, Japanese and a Korean one (and also a half way house for wayward girls, although it is not declared as such). And you know what?  WHile the japanese and Koreans hiss and sputter at each other, my neighbors are dating each other!  Yep!  The Korean (all names ...
May 29, 2005 by Dr Guy
Not a big blog. Just a sarcastic response to who is killing more.  Muslims or Christians. Big debate, but in the end. I guess some people dont call for murder, and some do.  And so do some atheist. And as a Christian nation, we allow them to do so. Why?  because unlike them, we do respect life.  They dont, we do. And that is the difference.
May 29, 2005 by Dr Guy
In Virginia, we have a new mayor for the city of Richmond. He is the former Governor Of Virginia. Doug Wilder (Lawrence Douglas Wilder). I think he is the best thing to happen to the city in over 30 years (my tenure here).  He already is pissing off alot of people and shaking things up. But in the whole time I have been aware of his political life (he was Lt. Governor and a member of the House of Delegates and State Senate), he has always had a guy named Paul Goldman at his beck and call...
May 28, 2005 by Dr Guy
I am going to do a Doc Miler and post this as is.  because there is not a lot I can add other than I totally agree with it! May 19, 2005, 8:10 a.m. Invasion of the America Snatchers Europe invades. Jonah Goldberg, National Review Online Huge chunks of the American population have been body-snatched by zomboid creatures from Canada, or possibly — shudder — Europe. That’s the only conclusion one can draw from the latest monumental study from the Pew Center for the People and the ...
May 25, 2005 by Dr Guy
Quote from the source of socialized medicine: THE National Health Service should not have to give life- prolonging treatment to every patient who demands it because that would mean a crippling waste of resources, the Government said yesterday So yesterday it was a poor incoherant woman.  Today it is a coherant one. Tomorrow? Let the ones that opened this pandora's box defend it. Ooops! He could speak!  Sorry ghouls.
May 24, 2005 by Dr Guy
From the Patoots mouth himself: Dean: Well, a Democratic socialist --all right, we're talking about words here. And Bernie can call himself anything he wants. He is basically a liberal Democrat . Now, any liberal want to step up and yell that Dean is a card carrying member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy? I dont know about you, but it looks like one of your own just said that liberal Democrats are really Socialists. Dabe, is that true??????? w00t
May 24, 2005 by Dr Guy
Yep, Margaret Marshall, the Il Duce of the Mass SC, has this lame joke about her recent reception: Marshall began with a joke about the blue and white balloons suspended from the Gosman Sports Center ceiling. She said she liked the colors, which included ''no red states"--winning a big laugh. Makes you want to respect the judiciary even more......NOT! "