Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
And you thought it was just a slur
Published on July 13, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

I read an article today where a member of the left side of the spectrum was trying to explain why we should be more tolerant of the terrorist.  Now I know that many people got upset when Karl Rove made the statements he did, and some perhaps rightfully so.

But this Article was trying to attach blame to all the victims of terrorism by quoting a recent history of the Middle east.  The problem is, he shot at the broad side of a barn and missed totally.

The suggestion of that article, and of many others on the loony left fringe (note to the easily offended: That does not mean ALL left people) is that we should understand them and try to then reason with them so we can all live in peace like little bunny rabbits.

But of course that will not work as they stated objective of the terrorist is not to get us out of the middle east, but to annihilate our society from the face of the earth.  For the most part, these terrorists have no beef with any western country other than we are strong and they are weak.

To excuse the deaths of hundreds of civilians because we liberated Kuwait (the stated reason Bin Laden has targeted us) is to say that we must never confront evil for risk of offending some nut job wacko!

We should not have confronted Tojo or Hitler because we were going to offend 200m people!  We must not confront Milosovic because we are going to offend millions of Serbs, or Sudan's genocide or we will offend more Muslims!

This is of course totally outrageous and beyond the comprehension of free people.  For the end result of such actions is the loss of freedom and liberty!

Yet the left would have us do this for the sake of peace!  They totally fail to realize that selling freedom for peace means you have neither!  DO you think the Taliban would be a benevolent dictatorship if we just understood them better?

It really boggles my mind that even today after 3 major cities have been targeted by these suicidal homicidal maniacs, that these Casper Milquetoasts can still spout that drivel and think it will make a difference.

It will make a difference all right.  They might give YOU a jar of KY Jelly before they ram the shaft up your poop chute!  But in either case, as the cliché goes, you are farked.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 13, 2005
Where's Ben Franklin now that we really need him!
on Jul 13, 2005
The problem is we lack the middle ground right now. On one side we have the Looney Left saying we should all just have a group hug and make it better, and on the other side we have the Ringwing Nutjobs wanting to invade any country that might possibly have a terrorist hiding within it. Neither approach is going to work. The first shows extreme weakness that will be exploited, the second creates martyrs and lends credibility to the claims of terrorists.

We must be careful with our targets, and when we pick them we must be swift and decisive. And most important of all, we need to say WHY we picked our target and be honest and straight-forward about it. Show the documents and the proof that led to the decision. Then go in and bomb the holy hell out of whoever it is we're after, get them, get out. We can't invade every country in the Middle East, it's not practical and will just make the situation worse.

NATO is the organization we have to work through now too for this. The UN is a dead institution that is too caught up in its own supposed greatness and a desire to spite America simply because it's the big boy on the block that nothing can get done within those halls anymore. It's a shame too because there was such wonderful potential for the UN to be the unifying group of the planet.
on Jul 13, 2005

Always loved that word... wonder if its related to scrotum....
on Jul 13, 2005

Reply By: Zoomba

While I will not deny there are some on the extreme right as you describe, I do not see that as the administration policy.  The reason we had 9-11 is that we were suffering from a credibility gap between words and deeds.  A gap such as that is not easily rectified and can only be corrected by showing the enemy we will back up words with deeds.  For 8 years, we did not do that, and so Bin Laden figured us for a paper tiger.  Bush is not going hunting for any more scalps.  He does not need to.  He has made his deeds speak louder than his words, and it is having the desired effect.  Half the mid east is turning around.  And the last beligerent nations, Syria and Iran, are treading very carefully.

As for the invasion of Iraq, it was necessary for that reason.  What those who opposed Iraq try to twist it as , is that Bush Lied.  No, he had the documentation and showed it to all.  That some turned out not to be true was not a fault of a lie, but on faulty data, faulty data that everyone at the time beleived to be true.

NK and Iran are going to bluster and strut.  But they are not going to go out of their way to antagonize the rest of the world either.  While there is no consensus now to invade either, should the nations perceive them to be rogue, that will change quickly.  ANd they both now see that it is the perception that will be met with force.

on Jul 13, 2005


Always loved that word... wonder if its related to scrotum....

No, more related to rainbow.  As in separating light into its component colors.  All colors come together to make up light as we see it.  Just as all people come together to make up society as we live it.

on Jul 13, 2005
No, more related to rainbow.

and some people have no sense of humour today
on Jul 13, 2005
it's just that the poor terrorist are downtroden and misunderstood doc, while rove, well he is the real enemy. a conservative republican that has whipped the left in many elections and they hate him for that.
on Jul 13, 2005
Isn't it ironic that the far left wants us to "understand" and "reason" with them because well, they're just a bunch of misunderstood victims; yet the mean hearted Karl Rove and Prs. Bush are just enemies to be conquered at all costs.
on Jul 13, 2005

and some people have no sense of humour today

I thought my response was very sarcastic.  Did we not get our morning tea today?

on Jul 13, 2005

it's just that the poor terrorist are downtroden and misunderstood doc, while rove, well he is the real enemy. a conservative republican that has whipped the left in many elections and they hate him for that.

I cant seem to google how many buildings Rove has blown up.  Do you have that figure handy?

on Jul 13, 2005

Isn't it ironic that the far left wants us to "understand" and "reason" with them because well, they're just a bunch of misunderstood victims; yet the mean hearted Karl Rove and Prs. Bush are just enemies to be conquered at all costs.

In their (weak) defense, they are not actually calling for the death of either (well most are not) yet.

on Jul 13, 2005
Reply By: Dr. GuyPosted: Wednesday, July 13, 2005it's just that the poor terrorist are downtroden and misunderstood doc, while rove, well he is the real enemy. a conservative republican that has whipped the left in many elections and they hate him for that.I cant seem to google how many buildings Rove has blown up. Do you have that figure handy?

nope doc, but I can google how many democraps rove has destroyed. eh eh eh eh eh
on Jul 13, 2005

nope doc, but I can google how many democraps rove has destroyed. eh eh eh eh eh

Well, I have heard that talking to the democrat leaders is like talking to a Brick walll.  Maybe every 4 of them make a building?

on Jul 14, 2005
OH man hahaha and I thought Reiki was bad....are you related to him?

I'm flattered really I am.

Notice with David Copperfield mysticism how he pastes intimate first hand (imaginary) knowledge of first person POV. Notice the whispers he gets from Guantanamo ghosts speaking directly into his ear. Is there a batphone nearby?

But of course that will not work as they stated objective of the terrorist is not to get us out of the middle east, but to annihilate our society from the face of the earth. For the most part, these terrorists have no beef with any western country other than we are strong and they are weak.

Boy you can tell all thay just from reading about an attack over the web eh? Now that's reading between the lines!

They totally fail to realize that selling freedom for peace means you have neither! DO you think the Taliban would be a benevolent dictatorship if we just understood them better?

I think you fail to realize when the pakistani presedent Musharref stopped funding them they had serious money problems. The reign would have fallen in a few years against the northern allies had you just convinced Mushie to crack down on the exploding opium problem and cut off their cash supply! DUH! Link

We should not have confronted Tojo or Hitler because we were going to offend 200m people! We must not confront Milosovic because we are going to offend millions of Serbs, or Sudan's genocide or we will offend more Muslims!

Hahaha. America did not do this alone. It was a joint affair. Let me make this simple for you to understand. Killing is bad. More killing is more bad. When an entity be that a country/islamist group/dictator grabs the reigns of power by the horns and hurts people internationally they got a response.

When things get this bad the remaining countries decide on what best do about it. Think League of Nations. The point was that no country bear the brunt because they might needlessly endanger themselves or engage in unilateral attempt to play backdoor politics under the guise liberty. When looking at the numbers you see that responding at a national level incurs more deaths through warfare that what originally occured by the attacks. Saving life was the idea right? I'm not talking bad guys here.

Now so far the chances of people being bitten by dogs is numerically higher than being assaulted by a terrorist. Couple this with a dismal display at the UN and you wonder is full on war the best way to respond to an enemy that shifts borders, nationalities, and even race at the turn of a dime?

The approach needs to be as flexible as the enemy is. One needs to surgically identify and remove these people without laying god damned razor wire around an entire city. But that requires cooperation, something the boys in charge aren't too keen on.
on Jul 14, 2005
No, he had the documentation and showed it to all. That some turned out not to be true was not a fault of a lie, but on faulty data, faulty data that everyone at the time beleived to be true.
NK and Iran are going to bluster and strut. But they are not going to go out of their way to antagonize the rest of the world either.

he may have had documentation--like the fake documents about iraq buying uranium from niger--but it's not true that everyone believed them to be true. in fact, the only people who insisted they were true and continued to do so beyond any reasonable limit were the project for a new american century hawks who WANTED them to be true.

perle & wolfowitz (as cheney well knew and bush could learned from his father) spent a good deal of the 80s re-analyzing cia data to make it fit their template. the net result was our spending millions of dollars to stay even with their perception of the soviet threat. the cia was already overstating soviet capabilities and the team b guys were inflating that overstatement.

the us intelligence group (the state department's inr) which produced the most accurate estimate in those days was also the group that pronounced the niger documents fakes...and made a continous, if unsucessful, effort to have them taken that whole issue outta the mix.

so what if we spent a few billion more than was needed...especially since we ultimately pushed the soviets into bankruptcy by doing so? it was foolish and we lucked out.

we certainly can't afford to be so foolish as we've been since 9/11 2001. if we're as lucky as last time, no terrorists organizations will succeed in arming themselves with nukes until we've managed to put iraq back together again. if we arent...

you presumption as to what nk and iran are gonna do (and they're gonna do nothing right?) is very likely more dangerous than articles by the fuzzy bunny people. i've no doubt the administration feels the same way about nk and iran as you do. it's the reason we're putting so much of our money and energy into making iraq the new terrorist training camp instead of making any kinda effective effort to help secure the nuclear inventory of the old soviet union.

if we're really lucky, we'll elect someone in 2008 who'll start making a real effort to deny terrorists the opportunity to wreak nuclear havoc on us. if we're even luckier, we still have three years to waste yelling 'let's roll'
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