Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Lliberals and Conservatives
Published on July 22, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

A question raised on shadowars blog got me to thinking.  Now I know I can google it and wade through a gazillion hits to find the answers, but I have a question for everyone.  EVERYONE!

There is no right or wrong answers, but I do ask (note: not demand) that links be provided.

During Clintons 8 years in the presidency, were the officials of the Bush 41 administration out on the news shows, and newspapers, criticizing every step the Clintons did?

Please dont quote Limbaugh.  I want officials.  And I am not saying any did not, but I would be interested to see what you heard during the 8 years, and who said it.

As I said, give me quotes and sources.  I will only debate with un attributed quotes.  The internet is full of them!  If in doubt, Snope it out!

Thank you.  I now return you to your regularly scheduled blog.

on Jul 22, 2005
mythbusters is another good source.
on Jul 22, 2005
I'll do a looksee when I have more time.

But remembering the best places to start would be the Kosovo incident. Was the blackhawk down thing under Clinton's first term or the end of HW's? I can't remember. Another good place is to look at which senators lead the impeachment charge which left a bad taste in some people's mouths. lol
on Jul 22, 2005

Was the blackhawk down thing under Clinton's first term or the end of HW's?

The troops were sent in Under Bush 41, the Blackhawk down was under Clinton.

Another good place is to look at which senators lead the impeachment charge which left a bad taste in some people's mouths.

yes, but unless they were in the Bush 41 administration, that is not what I am asking.  I want to know the Bush 41 people that trashed Clinton.  I think there was some, but I do not remember them.  So I am asking.

on Jul 22, 2005
I can think of one, Kenneth Star, the attorney guy...(I think he was head of the investegation, or something else going on with clinton...can't remember)
on Jul 23, 2005

I can think of one, Kenneth Star, the attorney guy...(I think he was head of the investegation, or something else going on with clinton...can't remember)

What role did he play in the Bush 41 administration?

on Jul 23, 2005
Err, oops...was thinking of during clinton's admin, have to see if he favored bush 41(41?) Was thinking more of him as one who "went after" clinton...
on Jul 27, 2005

Err, oops...was thinking of during Clinton's admin, have to see if he favored bush 41(41?) Was thinking more of him as one who "went after" clinton...

Well, Janet Reno did hire him to do just that.  Most people forget he was selected by her to investigate the allegations.  If you want to vilify someone on that issue, Vilify Hillary and Bill for being so dirty as to warrant the AG to have to hire an independent Investigator, or Fault Reno for hiring him.

Why fault someone for doing what they were hired to do?