A question raised on shadowars blog got me to thinking. Now I know I can google it and wade through a gazillion hits to find the answers, but I have a question for everyone. EVERYONE!
There is no right or wrong answers, but I do ask (note: not demand) that links be provided.
During Clintons 8 years in the presidency, were the officials of the Bush 41 administration out on the news shows, and newspapers, criticizing every step the Clintons did?
Please dont quote Limbaugh. I want officials. And I am not saying any did not, but I would be interested to see what you heard during the 8 years, and who said it.
As I said, give me quotes and sources. I will only debate with un attributed quotes. The internet is full of them! If in doubt, Snope it out!
Thank you. I now return you to your regularly scheduled blog.