The Day before terrorists slammed London, Barbara "Nothing is too stupid to say" Boxer made a speech lashing out on the war on Terror.
"The insurgents are winning the propaganda wars now,'' she said.
"Terrorism is a result of this war,''
No, the insurgents are not. They are winning the press war. And I think 9-11 showed that Terrorism is not the result of the war, it is the reason for the war!
I sometimes wonder how people so stupid can continue to get elected. I guess the Terrorist used a time machine after Iraq to go back and hit the WTC in September 2001. Probably did that in 93 too! I did not realize they had access to such technology.
What an ultra maroon! What an imbecile! Thank god I am 3000 miles away from her home. I just mourn for family and friends who have to live near her.