I know we have some far left people here at JU, but with very few exceptions, none like democratunderground.org. There, the loony loopy Luddite left really shows its stuff. For the most part, the liberals at JU poo-pooed these wackos at du.org as being definitely out of the mainstream. And for the most part, conservatives clucked clucked, shook their heads and agreed with the liberals on that assessment.
But new evidence appears to put that belief to rest. We know that Elizabeth Edwards is a member of the du.org, but one kooky wife of an admitted kooky liberal hardly makes a pattern.
Now, Clinton's former staff is echoing the same things that are regularly displayed on du.org! Yep, Paul, where did my hairline go, Begala, is running around like a chicken with his head cut off claiming those wascally wepublicans are trying to kill all the little goose stepping liberals!
"They want to kill me and my children if they can. But if they just kill me and not my children, they want my children to be comforted -- that while they didn't protect me because they cut my taxes, my children won't have to pay any money on the money they inherit," Begala said. "That is bulls*** national defense, and we should say that."
This is a former high official in the Clinton Administration! The loony loopy Luddite left is not longer confined to the blogs of kookdom, they have taken over the mainstream of the democrat party!
And they want to lead us? I would be deathly afraid for any of these left wing nuts to gain control of this country! I can see them and their paranoia creating another Krystal Nacht and executing anyone who is not a card carrying loon 'before they kill me and my children'!
The Liberals and left center members of JU and indeed the US as a whole often tell us we have to stop looking at the loony fringe for what defines them. Well, we would like to, but when your leaders are a part of the loony fringe, what are we supposed to think?
Someone should muzzle Begala, but it will not be a conservative! They will just sit and laugh as the Paul Begalas (And Deans and Waters and Hillarys) frighten off the moderates and cause them to run screaming for safety in the sanity of the conservative camp.
Where people are still not guilty until proven so, and people are not executed based on the hearsay of a proven liar. The conservatives don't have to say a thing. The LLL left is doing all the talking, and talking themselves into permanent minority status. Or Bellevue.