This is a tale of 2 women, looking at the same devastation in New Orleans. Neither likes Bush. That is putting it midly. But you decide who is the whack job and who is a partisan who sees an opportunity to do some good from all the misery that Katrina wrecked. And who is willing to work with everyone to accomplish this goal? It is a Christ-like principle to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and shelter the homeless. That's what is happening in Algiers and other plac...
This is my first try at a fun quiz, so here goes. YOU ARE A VAMPIRE Somewhere in your murky past, you were seduced to the dark side. You developed a fondness for velvet and dark fabrics, for long capes and dark red lipstick. You enjoy the evening, the shadow of the night. You tend to be sensual, and whether it's a new conquest or an old flame, a nibble on the neck is quite enticing. Keep an eye open for the unbelieving, for those who treasure an early sunrise and have a wooden s...
Ah, we have the harbringer of doom, the naysayer of American Servicemen and Women around the world (including her son since she calls Service men and women War Mongers), apparently has a disagreement with Senator John McCain: Sheehan said Tuesday that McCain told her then that her son's death was "like his buddies in Vietnam" and that he feared their deaths were "for nothing." McCain, however, denied he made such a statement. Well, someone is lying. But who? A deranged wom...
"Va. Governor Candidate Dodges Abortion"--headline, Associated Press, Sept. 14 Lucky him, or he would have been inelligible for the office! "Terror Leader in Iraq Declares War on Tape"--headline, Associated Press, Sept. 14 Glue and velcro not included. "Md. Lawmakers Bothered by High Gas"--headline, WTOP-AM Web site (Washington), Sept. 13 Tums should do the trick. "New Police Chief Selected for Loving"--headline, Associated Press, Sept. 13 Did the Hookers pick hi...
"Va. Governor Candidate Dodges Abortion"--headline, Associated Press, Sept. 14 Lucky him, or he would have been inelligible for the office! "Terror Leader in Iraq Declares War on Tape"--headline, Associated Press, Sept. 14 Glue and velcro not included. "Md. Lawmakers Bothered by High Gas"--headline, WTOP-AM Web site (Washington), Sept. 13 Tums should do the trick. "New Police Chief Selected for Loving"--headline, Associated Press, Sept. 13 Did the Hookers pick hi...
IN a mindless Diatribe against John Roberts (Me thinks he is just jealous because he was never qualified for the SCOTUS), Dershowitz said the following: “Today, they’re trying to nominate fetuses in the hope that they will be kept alive like [Terri] Schiavo.” So by his (il)logic, a 206 trimester person is not a person, but a fetus. I guess his next step is to start advocating post partum abortions as they are not really persons either. His statement does not surprise me. ...
NOw that the peyton place saga in the senate has played out, you have a position on the highest court in the land. The easy part is over. Now comes the tough part. You will be expected to rule on constitutional issues. Be forewarned that anytime you do not find a right in the document, you wil be vilified by the Morons in the Media and on the Loony Loopy Luddite left. For it matters not to them what is in the constitution, only what they think should be. I hope you uphold...
Before I begin, let me thank all the great citizens of JU Land that welcomed me back, even the ones who scolded me for not telling anyone I was going on vacation. It just means you missed me! For those who don't know, I took a couple of weeks off to what was originally intended to be, a Wedding. And a vacation (if you are going to California for a Wedding, might as well make it a vacation too!). We spent the first weekend in LA, where the weather was seasonable. M...
Tom Delay was indicted today by the same man who tried 3 times to get Kay Bailey Hutchinson before a judge (and failed all 3 times). The indictment is one count of Conspiracy. Not as in a plot, but as in he talked about doing an illegal activity. One count. Ok, so now the blood suckers at DU are in an orgy. Let them. They did not seem to be so blood thirsty when Clinton was found guilty of perjury, but that is selective amnesia. No, this is just a question for...
There is and has been a big brouhaha about the confederate battle Flag (See DrMiler's posts in the forum for a picture). It is supposed to represent slavery. But that is just what the Politically Correct people want you to think. For the truth is anything but. So for the uninitiated, a little Quiz. 1. What state(s) had legalized slavery the latest? 2. What is the CSA (Confederate States of America) flag? Describe it. 3. Under which flag was slavery practice...
Apparently, a bunch of Atheist got all up in arms when TV anchor man used a cliche to describe the effects of Katrina. He innocently said "There are no atheists in Foxholes or Hurrican Zones". Now most would just note the comment and focus on the gist of the story. Not so thin skinned atheists. They got up in arms over the mere thought that they may have said a prayer during Katrina (no one accused them of it). It seems the only people who have to be or are toler...
The Pictures below represent a before and after picture. Many saw the pictures on the left as they were run in the Main Stream Media. But few have seen the pictures on the right. The pictures on the right show that the pictures on the left were merely staged for the cameras. Thus instead of reporting the news, the MSM again tries to make it, according to their own warped agenda. While liberals may cheer this idiocy as it does advance their agenda as well, just r...
If you thought you had seen the depths to which the Mainstream media could sink, think again. Apparently, Hurricanes are now racist. Or at least they practice the art of Class warfare. The AP has "analyzed" Rita vs Katrina. And what did they find? Katrina picked on the poor people, and Rita went after the rich ones! Yep, in their infinite stupidity, the AP has decided that Katrina was bad, but Rita was good! Hurricanes (as everyone knows) should not pick on...