NOw that the peyton place saga in the senate has played out, you have a position on the highest court in the land. The easy part is over. Now comes the tough part.
You will be expected to rule on constitutional issues. Be forewarned that anytime you do not find a right in the document, you wil be vilified by the Morons in the Media and on the Loony Loopy Luddite left. For it matters not to them what is in the constitution, only what they think should be.
I hope you uphold your oath, and interpret the Constitution, not use International laws as a guidepost for allowing NAMBLA to have sex with 12 year old boys.
Good luck and god Speed. I can say that as I do not represent the government. I would suggest you be careful saying that or Michael Newdow will have you up in Irons for daring to challenge his belief of no God.